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Old 2022-11-05, 12:45   Link #13
Mr. Prince
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
So, York's only purpose is to sleep, eat, and shit for the other five. Not sure how it works.

Seraphim Jimbe has Seņor Pink's powers which allows him to swim and use Fishman karate on the ground. Franky recognized the ability. I guess the others most likely have DF powers as well. They were already looking pretty dangerous but now it's even worse. This also means Vegapunk started taking samples from the Warlords before the timeskip, so Crocololi is looking more and more likely.
I was trying to remember who’s DF ability that was, thanks for mentioning it. So was the Seraphim in chapter 1059 that wielded a sword fighting Blackbeard, Mihawk as a child? Super interesting development that we’re gonna see all of the Shichibukai as Seraphims. Makes a lot of sense why the world govt abolished the Shichibukai now. I Can only imagine how strong they’ll be when fully grown.
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