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Old 2022-11-06, 23:38   Link #1017
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Mhh, since no one is saying it, I will. The speed at which putin is burning reinforcements show how little he cares for his compatriots, they are not even cannon fodder, they are meat shields. If WWII decimated the russian population (a process that took years) at this rate in months he will have decimated the new generation (that will not generate offspring) and those that fled the country will not return to russia while it is an autocracy, which TBT, they only tasted democracy for the brief period before putin came to power.

BTW, I don't believe those rumors about Iran attacking Iraq and/or saudi arabia, that seems to me like a smoke screen since we all know that the ruling prince in arabia is supporting putin out of sheer self interest. Iran is even less prepared for a war than putin's russia ever was.

I have an idea of what Ukraine's war plan in the near term is, only time will tell, but this is going to get hotter nonetheless.

Also, those rumors about putin having Parkinson and/or pancreatic cancer, I then to believe there is some truth to them, that is the only logical explanation for putin starting a war beyond the scope of his resources and continuing like if there is no tomorrow. If he truly is deluded and thinks he can win he will end like nicolae ceaușescu.
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