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Old 2022-11-12, 03:50   Link #27
Join Date: Jul 2014
I always believed that this "Advanced Kingdom" was some real life counterpart of fabled Mu/Atlantis civilizations but it seems like they have some Nazi Germany in their blood too, as they wanted to eradicate the lesser kingdoms with their advanced might (20 against 1? They must've been mass producing those ancient weapons, definitely capable of genetic engineering or something like that since they somehow developed Shirahoshi into Poseidon CENTURIES later).

Now Im starting to believe that maybe WG was actually all the good guys whom survived a brutal extinction scale assault and now too afraid of their nemesis revival, probably capable of returning back or very powerful remnants of it (D?) are wandering the earth still barely aware of their origins. WG was righteously afraid they took all the extreme measures to paint themselves modern tyrants.
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