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Old 2022-11-21, 04:26   Link #35493
Join Date: Mar 2012
30 boxes so far. Can go for a stable 90+ with only +4 drops or an unstable on in 90++ with +7 drops.
Using Crane, Britomart(anyone with a 30% charge can do here but I want to use her), Melusine and Ruler Skadi with MLB Scope in 90+
Arc double Koya in 90++. Will only finish in 3 turns if I have Arc's Buster card on the 3rd wave.

Haven't done Salome, Ash and Morgan's exhibition quests yet.

Also tried for Bryn and Kriem. Didn't get any of them with 90 quartz. No quartz going into LB7. Unless we'll get Aoko or the Servant looks good like Huyan and Britomart, I can probably pass and don't feel compelled to roll. And I'm still going with my prediction that it's going to be Richard for the NY gacha after the FSF anime airs. I like the guy but I don't feel like I want him.
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