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Old 2023-01-08, 17:46   Link #747
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
That, admittedly, was the strange part about all of it, because just before she was scared of hurting people. I can see how people think Prospera brainwashed her somehow or activated a protocol, but the scene between Suletta and Prospera didn't read like that to me. Hence, her being so carefree about doing it in that incredibly gory way so far rather reads like a writing mistake to me, in terms of either being badly foreshadowed in this episode or the series so far or just mishandled. They very deliberately wanted the cour to end on this gruesome scene, but it just came kinda out of nowhere, given what happened before in the episode.

Yes, Prospera convinced Suletta that hurting someone to save her friends is okay... but unless Suletta is already very used to gore and blood due to her upbringing on Mercury (and I don't really see that, given that we already had some sort of written entry on her time there), her being so cavalier about it that she extends her hand to Miorine while it is slathered in gore seems very off to me.
That's why some people suggested that maybe Prospera has inserted some kind of "protocol" in Suletta or heavily indoctrinated her to do whatever Prospera tell Suletta. The method can be through something soft like the conversation that Prospera did in this episode.

If you noticed back in episode 8 when Prospera brushed off why she's lying to Suletta about Aerial all this time, Suletta's eyes when she said that she believed Prospera seemed to look like someone who was hypnotized or twisted. And those same disturbing eyes of Suletta appeared again in this episode after she had a convo with Prospera in the hallway with bodies beside her & in the after-credit scene when Sule acted like the pool of blood wasn't even there.
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