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Old 2023-04-29, 13:30   Link #91
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Time to form groups for work visits! And of course Adachi being his horny boy self wants in with the cute girl group...even though nobody wants Adachi. And Ichikawa is just along for the ride. Not that he wants to be part of Yamada's group of course. No sirree .

Kanzaki obviously wants to be in Hara's group, and luckily Ichikawa and Yamada are able to team-up to wingman him into the group...even if it means throwing Ichikawa's own intelligence under the bus (not that the girl group is dumb, Sekine is fifth in their year!). But luckily Yamada knows Ichikawa well enough to recognize he's smarter than that .

Girl Talk between Hara and Yamada! Hara wants things to go well with Kanzaki and they've even gone somewhere together, though she's still concerned about her weight. Meanwhile Yamada's never had a boyfriend though she's definitely got cute ideas about what she'd want to do with one...also I love how the conversation just kept coming back to Yamada and her snacks .

Ichikawa can definitely keep a secret, though Hara smugly seems to realize what's really going on between Ichikawa and Yamada .

Yamada wears Ichikawa's raincoat extremely well! Got that beautiful tall girl energy going for her! And I never though wearing someone else's raincoat could look so romantic .

So did Yamada pretend she didn't have an umbrella so she could wear Yamada's raincoat (she really seemed to enjoy that) and get an umbrella for them to walk home together with? Or so she'd have an excuse to get snacks? Well, really she didn't have to go to the trouble of hiding anything if she just wanted that, so she probably just wanted both .

Huh! Who would've thought Adachi, Sekine, and Serina would bond over a manga they all know ?

Baki art! That was unexpected. And them mentioning Beastars. I'm guessing this work is published by the same magazine or company ?

Adachi just had to ask about the fanservice art, huh ?

Elevator kabedon! It's especially powerful with Yamada's tall girl energy! Even Ichikawa closing his eyes (even though his face is literally inches away from her chest) can't negate how powerful her presence next to his is. And Yamada never took her eyes off of him .

Hey, I'd take any excuse to trade Shojo manga with a girl like Yamada. Granted I actually like Shojo manga, but still .

It was nice of Yamada to wait behind for Ichikawa...even though their friends didn't know to wait for them. So now the two are stuck alone together! What hijinks will they get into next ?
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