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Old 2023-06-11, 08:32   Link #1632
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Man, Asticlassia is a wreck. I guess now the Spacians are living like what the Earthians have had to deal with this whole time. But Earth House is still doing what they can to help out and take care of everybody .

Miorine is an emotional wreck. She's still reeling from what happened on Earth (thank goodness she got out of there) and now she has to deal with the SAL's offensive and Prospera with no firm handle to grasp on. She needs Suletta now more than ever .

Petra lives! It's in critical condition, but they wouldn't have put her in that spot if she wasn't going to pull through otherwise she would've been left for dead .

I love how Shaddiq's Harem is chilling in their cells like nothing's changed for them. But they're as guilty of everything as Shaddiq is, and I lost any sympathy for them after how they used Norea, so I hope they all get the book thrown at them. No amount of "high ideals" Shaddiq believed in or how it was warped by his feelings for Miorine is going to make me change my mind .

Thank goodness the tomatoes survived !

I'm glad Martin and Nika were able to make up, and Nika is planning to turn herself in after all this is over, which makes sense. I hope they don't go too hard on her .

No surprise the Peil Hags would throw in with the SAL to save their own skin and get the credit for exposing the Benerit group, thus setting the stage for war .

Belmaria and the SAL guy clue in Suletta and Earth House about Quiet Zero, Suletta clues the gang in on her status as an Eri clone (and not her mothers' favorite daughter), and they all finally find out about Elan No. 4. About time, I say .

You thought Suletta would pilot the Schwarzette? Nope! She's going to pilot Gundam Calibarn, which they've been holding in reserve and is a "monster" compared to other Gundams. But knowing her sister bore the brunt of the curse of Gundam's for her, Suletta is prepared to bear with it herself if it means stopping her mother and her sister .

Yep, Quiet Zero is definitely Final Boss level. Just the base alone is like antagonist superweapon 101, it's got it's own mook force of efficient, unmanned, drones, and can control the Data Storm to deactivate any threats. And Prospera probably plans on turning this power against everyone. Do they even have a chance of stopping them ?

No. 5 was there the whole time!? I can't believe he went back to Earth House, basically. And he's joined up with the group so he can get away? What's he really after though? I'm half-tempted to think he's going to go with them, betray them, and hook up with Prospera so he can get back at the Peil Hags. And what is he even going to pilot if he won't get in the Pharact ?

Looks like it's up to Suletta and Earth House to stop Quiet Zero! Good luck gang, hope you survive the experience .

You thought Lauda was going to blame everything on his brother or Suletta? Nope! He's setting his sights on Miorine! So either he in the Schwarzette is going to fight Guel as he tries to protect Miorine, or he'll be Suletta's first opponent in the Calibarn !
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