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Old 2023-06-11, 14:18   Link #1654
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
What a weird episode. Not necessarily bad, just weird.

We have the buildup for the fight between Prospera and Suletta which is fine. But I just keep wondering, if they stop Quiet Zero, how will they avoid a war between Earth and Space? At this point it feels Quiet Zero is basically the only thing that could stop a war.
It's easy to miss because the episode goes so fast, but during the Peil whistleblowing conference the Hags pin everything on Benerit internal conflicts, including providing weapons to the Earth insurgents that attacked Benerit properties on Earth and Space (when that was SAL).

The news also mention how Miorine stomped two insurgencies to win the Presidency, so the Earth side conflict is done it seems.

Saying that, if this follow the Tempest, well
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Originally Posted by Wandering Soul View Post
I'm having a bit of a hard time buying the SAL giving something like Caliban to Suletta. Sure we know it's because she's the MC, but I would assume an organization like the SAL would have more options when it comes to pilots than a teenage girl that wouldn't have too much experience when it comes to deadly fights.
SAL doesn't care, Suletta is expendable to them. They are probably hoping she last long enough to be a diversion actually.

I suspect Suletta might have a way different plan then they have thought.
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