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Old 2023-06-28, 21:13   Link #135
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
Wasn't a terrible ending but yea, the bit with Kaori just wandering into a battlefield was a bit silly. On the bright side, at least they didn't do the cliche bad guy grabs unexpected friend and holds them hostage bit lol

Not a terrible ending, but a bit weird to show the archer chick suddenly in the school as anime only fans would probably be confused. Well, I guess it's not that hard to imagine really but still. If you wanted to transition her to the real world, better to just save it for S2 I'd think. I'm glad we have readers to share these details, I know I'd have been like ehhhh? otherwise.

It'd have been funny if the rabbit was like "I leave it up to you" and Yuuya is like hmmm my harem is large enough already and she's dangerous so.... sticks sword through her neck heh. Though that would be sad; she's the best looking harem candidate so far IMO
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