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Old 2006-08-23, 14:19   Link #267
Muir Woods
Disheartened and Retired
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: 加拿大
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Arimfe
It's exactly what you said, popularity contest, despite its name "moe".
It's merely to measure which characters/series are "in" and which characters/series are "out". Kinda like fashion for the masses of anime otaku i'd guess.

While I see where you come from, I personally don't feel disgusted at all.
Originally Posted by Sorrow-K
Personally, I think this is actually one of the better popularity contests going around since the criteria to qualify is fairly stringent. But, I'm willing to admit that, at the end of the day, that's all it is: a popularity contest. And because of that, obviously there are some characters that are inevitably going to be overlooked by the population at large, even if you think they're more deserving. That's just the way it is.
The problem is, if this is just a popularity contest, then the "moe" criteria is a farce. Then why not just plain label it "your favorite anime female character of the year" contest, and not anime "moe". To inaccurately call a competition with a basis on a rule, and then only following it loosely, if at all, only serves to mislead, if not an outright lie. And to base a competition on an opaque and ill-defined concept (anyone remember the "What is 'moe' thread"? Even kj1980 himself once pointed out that it was difficult to explain in words what it is), only further lowers its credibility and validity from a critical point of view. And I already understand the implications of a popularity contest, where to my disheartenment injustices occur. But come on, be honest, Sorrow-K (and others), for those of you who has watched both Mushishi and The Melancholy of Suzumiya, compare the stature of Kyon's sister and Tanyuu, and consider prudently. Do you really believe that my assertion that Tanyuu is a superior character is merely just what I think, or maybe there is a majority consensus that has yet to be confirmed. If so, do you now understand why I will not be satisfied until there is some kind of alternative exposition/analysis that great but more obscure characters, not just Tanyuu (she's just my best example, there may be other fantastic characters I do not know about), are given more than just a fleeting notice and are properly acclaimed.
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