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Old 2023-07-24, 09:36   Link #31
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Poor Masamune...he really doesn't want to believe Yoshino has been lying to him this whole time after everything they've been through. He even jumps immediately when she said she didn't...which was also just to prove she has been lying to him .

The one thing Kanetsugu and Aki's Yuri Girl Posse can agree on is they want Masamune nowhere near Aki. Of course, they also have no idea that Kanetsugu is pretty much playing everyone .

So Yoshino was actually happy that she had chickenpox because it meant she didn't have to deal with Aki. She was so tired (and kind of resentful) of being stuck catering to Aki's whims or getting treated like nothing more than her plaything, even if she knew that was basically her job (though that didn't help). And just when she's hoping Aki might be upset or sad about it, she sees her having genuine fun with someone else, a boy who, unlike Yoshino, actually seems to enjoy being with Aki and making her happy in a way Yoshino never could. And that's when true hatred festered in her heart .

Jeez, Aki had the triple threat of getting sick + her parents still arguing even when she was sick + her mom leaving her after the divorce. The only thing she had left to look forward to was Masamune, but that just angered Yoshino more because she'd been there with her their entire lives and it felt like Aki didn't care about her .

What a coincidence that there was a lifelike Aki doll with removeable Aki hair that helped Yoshino impersonate Aki and pull the stunt that started all this. Although even she realized she messed up when she heard Masamune's desperate, heartbroken, pleading and saw the emotional damage it did to Aki .

So the reason Aki never realized it was Masamune when she saw Makabe while Yoshino she still associates him with being chubby? Well, that and she's kind of dense, but still .

Yoshino was using Masamune to get him toether with Aki, not so he'd dump her but so they could really be together. Basically Yoshino's penance for what she'd done, because it still weighs on her. And what can you say to such a genuine smile on Yoshino's face ?

I love how Masamune finally shuts up the girl posse .

I get Kanetsugu has a lot riding on getting Aki's money for her sister, but she's still preying on Aki's kindness with a lie. But I guess it weighs on her a little .

Oh snap, Masamune just slugged Kanetsugu! He just slugged a girl and he doesn't even know it! And now he's asking Aki out for real. Is he going to tell her the truth !?
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