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Old 2023-07-25, 13:13   Link #20
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Tampa Florida
Finally caught up on this series, japan is on vol 12 when 4th-year starts and 9 is getting ready to be released in 9/2023, anxiously looking forward to number 10 when they go on vacation. Don't think I'll buy the Japanese version for this one because have a lot of series to get caught on.

I really love this series, no overpowered MC, the characters grow into their own, hidden agendas, no fan service but not missed, a serious tone, its dark but not too dark, and it doesn't overdue comedic elements, and they're so direct with adult situations, I like this approach more because it leaves no room for misunderstanding. I love the wand + sword because it can draw in different fighting styles so it doesn't get boring with just endless spellcasting. Like a lot of magical shows. The characters are well-built, and the way they deal with the relationship/feelings part is so realistic, I like the way they explain their emotions. But I have to know everyone's thoughts on Oliver's relationships with the girls.

Shannon- Oliver cousin/sister It seems that her feelings toward him are more so out of guilt for some reason, maybe because she wasn't able to help Oliver out of that brutal training his father put him through breaking his body over and over, no she's wanting to comfort and show him affection because she was unable to.

Guy see's oliver as a good friend but he seems to like kate

Pete- is always being looked after by Oliver, more so because he's a reverse and comes from a non-magical family but he wants to stand on his own without Oliver's help. I never saw Pete get so angry at Oliver then when he (Oliver) turned down Petes, marriage proposal to that girl without even asking him. Oliver sees him as a little brother but Pete wants to be seen as himself and strives to show Oliver he can do things and survive on his own without relying on him.

Katie -Has an attraction to Oliver and most likely loves him/cares for him deeply but he admitted in front of everyone (sword roses) that he is attracted to nanao. If her mind's eye handn't shown her that nanao would succumb to the spell if she and Oliver dual, I wonder if she would have driven the sword through her heart when nanoa asked her to. Katie seems the most open with her affections that she tries to keep nanoa for showing her affections toward Oliver, knowing Nonoa doesn't understand anything with regards to emotions/affections because she has only known war.

Chela -thinks she and Oliver would be a good match, she will not pursue him because she knows he's attracted to someone else but logic dictates otherwise but she will take advantage of the situation if the need arises and dismiss her actions with logic. But I also think she likes Anderson

Oliver has not said who he likes only that he is attracted to nanoa and his brother told him not to rush it, to take things as they come, attraction is important for a mage, it will work itself out and use protection. However in Galetea it was the image of chele that helped him relieve himself from the perfume, he could have used another image but she was very suggestive and he felt sorry to her for being put in that position that she felt she had to help.

but when they went to their version of bowling with magic and nanoa saw oliver accept the trophy with chele and the owner said they would be together. Nonoa started holding her chest and told Katie that she has a pain in her heart/jchest and Katie thinks that nanoa is confused. What could she be confused about? Is it her desire to kill him the more she wants to be by his side or is she mixing up her emotions and don't know what to call them? What is olivers feelings ? These answers must be in vol 10 Any ideas on their thoughts and relationships?

I also wonder if theresa will end up doing something to nonoa out of jealousy and noanoa will not be able to do anything about it because she can't hurt a child (it's a shame she doesn't know she is an assassin). I came across this thought because his siblings are worried about theresa's feelings toward Oliver

I hope the author doesn't end this series like he did alderman in the sky - I'll never forgive him if he did
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