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Old 2023-08-14, 08:59   Link #42
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Well, now that Neko has made her move and it fizzled that should be mostly a conclusion for her attempts to win over Masamune. Though maybe not since it just puts her on the same level as Aki right now. If her presumption is accurate that his body reacts because he doesn't have romantic feelings then she basically got rejected there. But it also means he's nowhere closer to Aki either. I get why Neko has been attached and why she still made the moves she did here. With the status quo between Masamune and Aki a bit shaky there was still room to try.

Though wow, Masamune really has changed over time. This was a kid sticking huge chunks of food in his pockets and was all about eating. I can't really blame his mother or sister for pushing food at him all the time when that seemed to be his life's calling . But people do change.

Sadly medical support didn't pan out for him here. If it's psychological then he's got to dig into the exact cause and reasoning. Honestly the burnout might be a fair description. But it might also be a lack of conclusion. He dedicated so much to revenge but there was no target really in the end. He can't hate the person that caused him the trouble and the person he thought he should get revenge on...wasn't at fault. Well I mean she played some role in things. But honestly the issue with Yoshino was more an issue of her family and Aki's family.

I don't know. Obviously there are things to resolve with Aki herself. But Masamune has to figure out what he really wants. The ending with Yoshino might honestly tie into it. The truth has been cleared up. But I don't think either side is quite happy about where things stand between them right now. Yoshino trying to distance herself and step out of his life...but she's still looking towards him. I think she needs to figure out her feelings and what she really wants or she'll be left looking miserable. Maybe talking more with Yoshino will help. If he can restore that friendship (since I don't see him ending up with anyone besides Aki) that might help his mental state.

Still plenty of episodes left for these things to get sorted.
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