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Old 2023-08-17, 14:03   Link #99
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
It took two years but Arthur is finally a knight! And who better to knight him than his beloved Princess Pride in her fanciest dress ?

Nothing says a smart character is smart like wearing glasses! Stale wears them well! And of course the compliment that means the most comes from none other than Pride .

Glibert just won't leave Pride alone, huh? Especially when he's trying to get his Mutant Registration Act...I mean, Special Ability Registration law passed. It gets bad enough Pride's dad has to step in and try to talk him down, but he won't be satisified, especially when a precious life is at stake .

It took Pride this long to remember Glibert was in the game? I guess she just totally forgot about the secret character...or the fact that she never actually saw him in his adult form in the context of the game, as OG!Pride had hijacked his law to steal anyone with powers for herself and reduced him to nothing but an old man. When he's really just a younger guy with the ability to change his age .

Pride wears that royal uniform quite well! Especially when she and Stale are kicking butt while practically dressed to the 9's together!

It's a tale as old as time...lowlife boy meets sickly noble girl, they both offer each other what the other lacks (a desire for true happiness and the chance to see the outside world), they fall in love, girl gets engaged to another man (complete with confessing and kissing the boy she really loves), boy trains and ages himself up to the point where he has enough status to make the girl engaged to him, and things are going well...until she gets sick again. I can't believe I feel bad for Glibert. He and Marianne don't deserve this .
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