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Old 2023-08-27, 11:02   Link #231
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I guess I'm not surprised Rudy is using his newfound position of power over the animal girls to feel up under Linia's skirt, not that it works out so well for him (still no cure for his ED). Meanwhile some people like Cliff are actually trying to seriously study, though even a guy like him can be instantly smitten when he sees a beautiful Elven silhouette wave at him .

Rudy's been bullied enough times that he's willing to step in when he sees someone getting ganged up on, and wouldn't you know it, it's Cliff! And he actually thanks Rudy! And then stalks Rudy so he can ask for...romantic advice!? So Cliff can ask out Elinalise !?

Sylphie breathing a sigh of relief that Rudy isn't pursuing another girl at the school while also not so subtly indicating her own feelings for him is so adorable .

Elinalise really thought Rudy was turning into a pimp to hook her up with more young boys, but no, Cliff fell for her at first sight and wants to sincerely pursue a relationship with her. Which is kind of a non-started because Elinalise' curse prevents her from having one partner, which is party of why she sleeps around so much. So as sweet and dedicated as Cliff seems, it seems like he's on the sure path to rejection .

Except not! Because Cliff's sincerity and conviction to be with Elinalise actually makes her genuinely fall for him and now they're a full blown couple! She's even willing to live with the effect of her curse just to be with him (although have they already had sex?), with Cliff working to undo the curse himself. Jeez, did not expecting these two to turn into flirty sweethearts who flirt and make out in class, but good for them !

Love is in the air as everybody is coupling up and the beast people are having their duels to decide who wears the pants in the relationship, but Linia and Pursena want nothing to do with it so they just make Rudy fight for them .

"I'm straight!" Dude, look at how you are around Fitz. I mean, I know she's actually a girl, but still .

Is that blue-haired girl with a sword going to end up being relevant? She had such a distinctive design and just kind of stood around there that it feels like she'll appear again .

The moment Rudy finds out there's a girl that wants in on the marriage fights, he immediately perks up. Totally hurt his image with Sylphie though .

Badigadi! The Demon King and none other than Kishirika's fiance! Voiced by Taiten Kusunoki! Yes, that's right, that six-armed collossus is set to marry our favorite looney tunes demon loli! And he's heard so much about Rudy from Kishirika that he has to challenge him to a duel !

Okay, so he doesn't know about the Man-God...but it sounds like he does recognize Orsted ?

Rudy out there with the giant drill projectile! Reduced Badi to his loli form without some of his arms! Rudy probably wasn't expecting the sucker punch after winning though, yikes. At least he had Sylphie healing him .

"I probably won't see him again" - Rudy, when has that ever been true? Dude immediately shows up as a student. And that's after he gets his eyes clawed out for feeling up Linia's boobs. Things just can't go Rudy's way .
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