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Old 2023-09-18, 08:56   Link #57
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Masamune has returned home, is still avoiding his mom, and it's a Springtime finale for him and the gang .

I respect Aki trying to be supportive to Yoshino after assuming she and Masamune are now together, and not rely on Yoshino for everything and try to be more independent, even if there's still that sting that she lost Masamune .

That's great that most of the gang is back together for their third year, they've even got Yoshino! And Gasou! Who looks so weird in the girls school uniform! But irony of ironies, Masamune and Aki are in the same class .

Poor Aki. Her ex-boyfriend is not only in her class, sitting right in front of her, but he won't leave her alone even though he's apparently together with's enough to dredge up a lot of unresolved feelings, so much so that she feels she needs a clean break and cuts her hair! I guess all that time with long hair Aki was to keep us satisfied before she cuts it, though her new style does make her look older and more mature .

Though she didn't actually need that classic losing Heroine haircut after all as Yoshino pushes her to meet Masamune at school and she sees a letter like she left for him for that big song and dance she put him through in season 1. And then she's running all around the school, the school where she fell in love with him over the course of the series, trying to find him...and then they keep missing each other like such dorks! Though it does make the moment when Masamune finally latches onto her all the more meaningful .

And the truth is, Masamune and Yoshino never got together! Yoshino confessed, but even she realized that Masamune wouldn't have obsessed with Aki for so long if he didn't have genuine feelings for her, and it's those feelings Masamune needed to resolve for himself. Yoshino just wanted one last "revenge" against Aki by making her think they were dating so Masamune could take the time to build up to asking Aki out again .

Sure it's self-centered on Masamune's part that he still wants to be with Aki after everything and get over himself...but that's part of what Aki loves about him. And it's with his newly-resolved feelings that Masamune can now touch Aki, which is the perfect excuse to kiss her as they get back together !

Closing out with their third year school festival and the season 1 OP...we've got Futaba, Kojuurou, and Gasou talking about their futures, Neko and Yoshino consoling (and teasing) each other about getting rejected, and Masamune and Aki together as a couple in a way that's very them...teasing and playing with each other, but still very much in love !
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