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Old 2023-10-10, 13:32   Link #5
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Figures they'd have to have a Toman meeting to go over everything that happened and what their next plan of attack against Tenjiku is...and they're definitely ready to take the fight to them. But isn't that what Kisaki wants ?

So current Tenjiku is made up of a bunch of legendary S-62 generation guys, all of whom are part of gangs that were defeated by or have a grudge against Toman...the perfect set up for a grudge match !

Hina! And Naoto! Nice to see them again. Because of course when Takemichi has no idea what to do he has no choice but to go back to the future .

Who can Takemichi talk to about what happened? Mikey's killed pretty much everybody he knew. He gets desperate enough to yell in a church, and who should also be in said church praying for his younger brothers' soul...than FRIKKIN' TAIJU. And he's gone full suit Yakuza and is as intimidating as ever .

Taiju is nursing a grudge against Toman for Hakkai's death and he owes Takemichi enough to give him some insider info about Tenjiku and Izana Kurokawa...and how it all dates back to Black Dragon, which was originally the gang of Mikey's brother, until Izana became the 8th head. And somehow he's older than Taiju. Yeah, try figuring that out. But why would Mikey trust this Izana guy more than Draken? What is his connection to Black Dragon ?

So it seems like everything went wrong when neither Toman or Tenjiku won the Kanto Incident, and Kisaki and Izana became in charge with Mikey of the merged groups, leading to the corrupted Toman. Also, Kisaki? Not actually dead. Izana faked his death. Takemichi is so screwed .

Oh hey, Inupi and Koko! I knew they couldn't trust those guys, they're still with Toman and after Takemichi. Good thing Taiju is still a beast .

Dang it Takemichi, if you wanted to talk to those two, go back to the past! They would probably kill you now! Also, I guess NOW Kisaki is fine killing Takemichi...and gets Naoto shot. Yikes .

Takemichi finally meets Izana and he's blaming Takemichi and Naoto for Mikey's death (he really cares about Mikey, huh?). And Kaku is also still working under him but even he didn't want to kill Takemichi. Still shoots him though .

This is an even worse situation than last time with Takemichi and Naoto both bleeding out. But while Naoto didn't think much of Takemichi initially, his efforts to keep saving everyone despite every setback is what makes him a hero, and someone Naoto is proud of. And with that they lock hands one last time to send Takemichi back to the past to fix everything. And Kisaki notices it .

The ED is pretty nice spotlighting all the major characters in this arc, especially Mikey and Izana. And is that Izana with...Emma!? And it looks like the main fights to look forward to are Mikey vs Izana and Takemichi vs Kisaki .
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