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Old 2023-10-13, 09:02   Link #18
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Figures Team Rockavalley would seem so powerful that most of their competition would forfeit rather than fight them. I mean, do you see Filo with that mace? No one wants to be on the wrong end of that .

Of course clearing the tournament isn't the only thing going Naofumi's way when he's got Miss Underboobs Onee-san Nadia chatting him up over drinks and walking the night with him, even to the point where they fend off thugs. Nadia has lightning magic! And I think she actually likes him! Too bad he doesn't respond well to flirtation or intimacy (probably because of Bitch) .

Oh hey, the merchant guy! I mean, Naofumi doing more business with him feels better than his continued business with the slave merchant and his family .

Of course the championship bout would come between our group and Nadia, who realizes what they're trying to do by fighting in the tournament, and her reasons for fighting aren't so different. Though while Nadia is powerful enough on her own she also has the sponsors backing her up and know she fights best in her element...a water field where she can transform into her Killer Whale Demi-Human form. Kind of a big change, but her boobs are even more pronounced .

But Nadia isn't just Nadia but also Sadeena! Someone Raphtalia seems to know well and who was a big sister to her! Perfect excuse for Nadia to make a show and let the trio win the fight! As long as the slaves get bought and freed thanks to Naofumi, it's all good .

Or at least it would if the sponsors didn't want it to end in their victory and throws in a Murder Clown to try to defeat them, and she (they?) are surprisingly capable. It took Nadia and Naofumi powering up Raphtalia with the speed and strength of lightning just to land a good hit...but the Clown escapes with substitution jutsu. And it seems like the Clown recognizes Naofumi as a Hero and doesn't think he's ready to face the "other world?" Is the Clown referring to the world of the other heroes or something else ?

Thank goodness for friends in high places as the slave merchand and normal merchant guy help Naofumi and Nadia collect their winnings. And now it seems like Nadia is officially joining the party. Is Raphtalia ready for her big sis to keep flirting with her man ?

Oh yeah, Fohl was a character in this. Seems like he's working to take care of his sister who is badly wounded and they're stuck in the slave pens .

The ED was pretty nice and pleasant, with sketches of the cast. I love how the Three Stooges' weapons show up in place of them .
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