Thread: Licensed Undead Unluck [Hulu]
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Old 2023-10-20, 13:29   Link #25
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
This show has really mastered the atmospheric and stylistic introductions .

Andy and Fuko are taking the scenic route to Russia via yacht! Too bad Fuko's freaking out too much about the Union hunting them to enjoy the trip. But when you've got a guy who will literally fire his hand with a grenade at it to take down a fighter jet, you've just gotta learn to live a little .

Ah yes, pink-haired waifu's obsessively in love with you. Those hit hard. Especially when voiced by Aoi Yuki !

So we're learning more about how Fuko's powers work. Her Unluck has a tendency to bring forth something proportional towards her feelings towards someone or what they've done to her (especially if it's a romantic or intimate persuasion). Like finding out Andy touched her boobs and gave her mouth-to-mouth? Totally enough to set forth pressure under the sea and launch them straight at a fighter jet for them to hijack! Wicked sick !

Is there anything more hardcore than using your own body to store a Katana? How's about using your broken bones to break your fall? Although he later does a proper five-point landing later ?

Fuko has come far after being a 10-year shut in. Now she's in Russia and getting to see the sights! Even getting a promise of a full course meal and Any wining and dining her later !

Who would've thought Fuko would run into a high school-obsessed artistic cutie who dresses and talks like a gyaru? And they manage to bond over art and have some fun together, which was sweet. Although less so when it turns out that Fuko met Gena, the member of Union Andy least wanted to face off against .

That whole sequence of Gena basically summon a platform and stairs from the scene for her to step down like a Goddess was breathtaking. And this is the girl who caught Andy the first time! And she seems to have something going on with her face...and is in love with Andy! This looks like it's going to be a pretty tough fight for the pair to earn Andy's Union status !
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