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Old 2023-11-27, 11:20   Link #85
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
I mean a lot of people would learn a lesson from that happening after once or twice, but she just kept going?
You'd be friends, both male and female, could shoot that to pieces based on people they've encountered...

The fact her parents fell in love young and married young probably plays into this from Runa's specific perspective. It's probably playing into her attempts to befriend Maria. Runa sees the best in people and thinks that people can get along through honesty. She didn't see sex as something that should be done with restraint/only with someone who values you. This isn't a ploy for attention or getting thrills, which is why I find enough within Runa to like. Certainly...I'd personally find it quite hard to handle her naivete/overt faith in people.

But her friends do look out for her and don't seem to be the type who'd associate with someone who was just looking to score, mess with a person or for attention. Runa just rolls the way she does and isn't letting the opinions of others define her. That in itself is a rare quality that many will never develop in life. She is willing to appreciate the interests of others and not force hers onto others - that is also an increasingly rare quality.

Not saying Runa is top tier material by any means, hardly. I think she has enough going for her to remain interested in, though. This was always pitched to me as an 8/10 title and has remained as such.
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