Thread: Crunchyroll A Girl & Her Guard Dog
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Old 2023-12-21, 12:46   Link #33
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Things are still awkward between Isaku and Keiya and Isaku is considering that maybe it was a mistake to confess in the first place...even as her feelings are as strong as ever .

Is there anything cuter than Smol Isaku wanting to give Keiya birthday present? Though I never knew Keiya was in the Yakuza so young .

Why am I not surprised Keiya was willing to strip nude for a little girl to draw him? Thank goodness Isaku had good sense even back then .

Wow, this episode was like 45-50% flashbacks, most of which were from the actual series. I get recollecting all the stuff that built up your relationship up to this point but that might have been a bit much .

That's actually rather sweet that Keiya's Yakuza tats were inspired by Isaku, always representing the comfort and happiness she provides for him .

Okay, marking Keiya with his own katana is a bit much. Couldn't he settle for like a hickey or something? Though Isaku clawing his back with her nails feels like a nice (and sexy) compromise. And now the two are officially going out !

Good work Katsuki and Ando! Now I just have to wonder if you'll ever find out the truth about just how weird Keiya is .

Nothing more couple-y than eating together on the school rooftop and nuzzling together to stay warm. Keiya is a good dog that loves cuddling, after all! And what better way to close out than with a passionate kiss between the lovebirds !

(I was kind of expecting Keiya to go for rooftop sex though ).
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