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Old 2024-01-25, 01:05   Link #42
Thor's Hammer
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
I wonder whether Aoi telling Yuzu to not see Shuji is part of her plan to turn everyone against Erika. Maybe she deliberately planned for Mika to see the boys + Mimimi at the restaurant so that Erika informs Shuji, forcing him to make the choice to confront Erika due to his frustrations with not being able to see Yuzu since he is the big boss in the class, even moreso than Erika.

Fumiya did state that for better or worse, Aoi would try to turn the class against Erika. If this is what Aoi is planning, I hope her plan fails, and it forces the guys aside from Fumiya to pick between Shuji and Tama, resulting in everything getting even worse, so that Tama can truly put all the skills she learned to the test. I'm not the type to root for ugliness, but I would gladly take some ugliness over Aoi preventing Tama from changing due to some trauma from childhood.
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