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Old 2024-02-18, 13:02   Link #92
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Props to this girl. She works fast! They got the water ring within 1.5 minutes! Saphir is kind of fun though. Lot of energy and good sense of humor . Just seems like she has quite a bit of fun where she can. Even with the obvious "jealousy" at play with the other Princesses. And while she may be flat there's no downside to be found there.

Of course a bit of rush obviously makes sense. Saphir knew she'd be pursued soon and had to make her move while she could. The situation with the Empire is...iffy. Makes scary sense why Marse was going to be marrying Hime. If the Ring King was a Prince of the Empire that would make it much easier for the Empire to annex all the ring nations. Sure if you want to spin it nicely it's presenting an united force. But alliances could do that and frankly the key factor is the Ring King not necessarily a gigantic army.

Wow...the King of that nation has really gone off the rails. Also that might be the worst "look at how sick this guy is" movement I've ever seen. That was awkward as heck! I won't pick at his logic too much since he is clearly being manipulated and driven crazy. As if refraining from passing on the ring would help his nation in the slightest, much less keeping the only force able to fight against the last boss away...

Will admit that I'm all the more surprised by Marse's stance in the opening episodes. It wasn't like he was stuck marrying Saphir if he was the Ring King. Marrying the girl he loved was absolutely on the table. I guess it isn't ideal since it'd be a harem marriage. And I get that he felt sympathy with Hime's situation. the same time he did pretty much choose Hime's happiness over Saphira. He probably does deserve to have her be pissed off at him. To call him weak-willed isn't necessarily wrong . Hime was right there so he chose to push aside the feelings of Saphira who wasn't right there. Chose the easier route of putting off that difficult situation for later to avoid the difficult situation right in front of him. Things will obviously work out. But he made that choice with no idea what he was going to do regarding Saphira. "Sorry, this I felt bad for this other girl" really isn't an excuse he can bust out for her.

Sure, I'll take a swimsuit episode ! Also I'm kind of with Granart on this one. Hime/Satou can't complain about there being an order to things when they are constantly moving the goalposts about when and where they can have sex. No surprise that others aren't going to be nearly so patient if those two keep messing around.

Props to Saphir's total confidence. Although I'm curious where her mindset will be when this is all resolved. She's calm right now because she's not that invested in Satou. In a sense she's been the most professional. But once the Kingdom is saved that might shift a bit.

Originally Posted by Estzero1 View Post
I can't be the only one, to think how similar this Oracle plotline is to Theoden & Rohan in LotR.
You aren't wrong there! Just watching and when that moment rolled in I definitely had a "oh hey King Théoden" reaction . The obvious creepy female Wormtongue driving the King to paranoid madness was there too.
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