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Old 2024-03-02, 11:24   Link #111
Speedy Sea Cucumber
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
I'm not sure what you mean. We don't know what their income was before the parents' death (except "enough to pay a bunch of servants"), we especially don't know what its sources were.

And we don't know how "impoverished" Graham is. He still has his big house full of expensive books and one servant.

So really, we don't know enough to declare that Graham fell to ruin and that it was unrealistic. I certainly don't see what's unrealistic about a household which suddenly loses all its adults also losing a lot of its income. What did you expect? That his parents could drop dead and child-Graham would have a decade of financial reserves to keep his lifestyle exactly as it was?
To some degree it depends on the story... I mean Bruce Wayne never really had problems with money and his only family was one servant as well. Maybe even he had to lay off a bunch of people?

Nobles typically have steady income streams from taxes and such if nothing else, and the aristocracy values continuity. Usually in stories like this when a house falls its an issue of mismanagement or corruption.
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