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Old 2024-03-17, 22:15   Link #19
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Originally Posted by LightDragonman View Post
And here we go. The execution, which hurts as a Saki fan to write.


The summit between New-Jior and ARUS was finally underway in the auditorium. On one side, Shouko, Haruto, Satomi, and multiple other students representing the former, and on the other side, the President of ARUS, Jeffry Anderson, his aides, and multiple other politicians representing the latter. Across the school and the rest of the world, every student and citizen was tuned in via their phones, televisions, or computers (or in the case of Akira Renbokuji, her Valvrave's screen), excited to see what the outcome would be, with it broadcasted across practically every screen in every module/country.

At the very least, Shouko and the rest of the students hoped that this would herald the beginning of a new alliance between two nations, one that would finally bring an end to Dorssia's oppression, and finally allow the residents of New-Jior a fighting chance. And perhaps also, a way for peace to be brought about for her and Haruto.

"Greetings Mr. President" Shouko said, shaking hands with the latter. "It's good to finally get this show running."

"Indeed it is Prime Minister Shouko Sashinami" Jeffry replied. "It is a shame Dorssia couldn't also be here for the negotiations."

With that, the two took their seats across from each other.

"Now" began Shouko. "In regards to the resolution with Dorssia-"


Suddenly, the screens overlooking the auditoriam crackled to life. Across the screens of everyone watching, the same thing happened, shifting away from the auditorium to instead a different image. Before too long, the screen cleared up, revealing the face of the head of Dorssia himself, Amadeus, standing in front of the country flag.

"Would you care to hold that decision so I may join in?" the Fuhrer interrupted.

"Hey what's going on?" Satomi remarked. "This wasn't part of the plan!"

"What are you scheming?" thought Haruto, his eyes now glued to the screen, alongside everyone else participating in the viewing of the summit.

"I would like to explain our reasoning behind our invasion and attacks on New-Jior!" Amadeus announced, backing away from the camera. "Despite our military strength, we have been consistently pushed and beaten back by whom are little more than children! How could that be, given the might of the Dorssian army we thought. Well today, we shall unveil the secret behind New-Jior and the residents of Module 77!"

With that, the camera zoomed out and turned to the left, revealing a horrifying sight; Rukino Saki, dressed in prison garbs, eyes closed, and with both her arms chained to two pillars.


"She was captured?!"

"What's happening?!"

Immediately, the auditorium and the WIRED network was already buzzing with murmurs and activity. Valvrave pilot Rukino Saki, the up and coming idol of Module 77 and New-Jior, was currently being filmed live by the heads of Dorssia. What was going on?

Haruto for his part was mortified at the sight. "Rukino-san!" he cried out in horror.

"No," he thought. She couldn't have been captured." Again, all the guilt he felt at leaving her all alone immediately rose back up, creating a lump in his throat.

"Indeed, you all know her as Rukino Saki!" Amadeus continued. "She is a student from Module 77 and a Valvrave pilot! I had my suspicions regarding how she and the rest could have fought so valiantly against us, when they are merely ordinary students?"

At that, another Dorssian, one with short blond hair and an eyepatch, wielding a gigantic dagger blade, could be seen standing right behind Saki's inert form. Haruto's eyes widened.

"No, they wouldn't dare."

"Watch closely! This is the horrific truth behind New-Jior and Module 77!"


Darkness. That's all that Saki could ever see or feel ever since that one-eyed Karlstein agent shot her in the head after asking her to answer his questions. She couldn't even open her eyes after she logically should've healed from that wound.

"Where am I? What was I supposed to do again?"

Next thing she knew, she was being constricted in some sort of material, barely able to breath, her mouth gagged, and a weird smelling substance entering her nostrils. Even trying to open her eyes only resulted in more blackness, almost as though she was buried alive, or inside the stomach of a python. It almost reminded her of that time from her childhood...

"No, get a grip Saki" she tried to reassure herself. "You're nowhere close to your parents right now. Just remember that you are..."

Her thoughts slowly faded away into nothing as whatever was being seeped into her mouth led her off into dreamland. Though the trip was nothing pleasant.

"This is your punishment!" her mother yelled, as she tried to suffocate her daughter under the sheets. "For not giving us the proper compensation from your latest role!"

Next thing Saki knew, the darkness seemed to turn lighter, and she could feel air once again. Yet no matter how hard she tried, her eyes still wouldn't snap open, nor could she move any of her limbs. The only reason she was moving was because she felt he legs being dragged across the floor.

Eventually, her arms did finally manage to move, but again, not of her own accord, and once again, they were soon motionless, only now in a hanging position. As more of her senses slowly began to recover, she could hear the booming voice of a male figure.

"Watch closely! This is the horrific truth behind Module 77 and New-Jior!"

Silence. Then Saki finally managed to open her eyes. The sedation had finally wore off, and she could feel again. The first thing she felt? A piercing sensation in her back, that slowly grew in intensity as the pain increased. Then after a few agonizing seconds of this, her chest split open, revealing a shiny dagger blade, drenched in red liquid, jutting out from her body.

Saki screamed in unimaginable agony, her blood gushing out from the point of impact.


An uproar was heard, both from within the auditorium of Module 77 and the entire school. Indeed, the sight was being broadcast everywhere, and the horrified onlookers were helpless as they watched famed idol Saki Rukino being impaled through the chest.

Shouko screamed at the sight, burying her face in her hands. The ARUS President and the other delegates were left speechless at the gory sight. It was like something out of a horror film, only this was real.

Haruto could only keep his eyes locked on Saki's impaled body, horrified at what had just happened. The knowledge of what was going to happen next only left him even more frightened.

As Saki's body fell forward, the wielder of the blade knelt over her back. Placing his hand at the spot where the sword at made impact, he began wiping away the blood. After just a few seconds, he removed his hand, revealing Saki's back, still stained with blood, but without a single sign of any sort of wound.

Shouko looked up from her hands, and was stunned by the sight. Once again, the school and the WIRED network were filled with murmurs.

"What it this?"

"A special effect?"

"No, it looks real!"

"How can she still be alive?!"


As the wound on Saki's back closed up, she once again regained consciousness. Her eyes now very much open, she knew exactly what was now going on. It was as though she was being put up on for a showcase, like so many of her idol gigs. Only this time, for people to be repulsed by her rather than cheer her on.

"Indeed, I hope you can see now." Amadeus declared. "This creature is not human! She is a monster!"

"A monster!"

The descriptive made her flash back to that horrific memory, one of many that involved her mother. Only now, she was labeled that in front of the entire world, and the evidence was all there for everyone to see. Saki felt as though she had been stripped naked in front of a jeering crowd, just like her mother had planned to do to her all those years ago.

She could see the world turning against her. She never hoped to go on live stage in front of millions to reveal such a state of being, yet here she was, with no other choice. Her dreams as idol, now being extinguished as fast as her wound closed. Once again, she was all alone, and at the mercy of adults, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Saki promised that she never publicly show any sign of weakness. Yet as the gravity of the situation came crashing down on her, she couldn't stop a tear from sliding down her cheek.

"Haruto..." she softly cried. "...Please help me!"


"Indeed, I hope you can see now." Amadeus declared. "This creature is not human! She is a monster!"


The descriptive echoed in Haruto's head as he watched Saki come back to life on the screen. Knowing that this was being broadcasted all over the world only made him even more horrified. He knew how much she had tried to gain support from the world, and this would most assuredly destroy her.

Despite the ruckus and commotion, he couldn't tear his eyes away from Saki. As the life returned to her eyes, his heart ached as he saw the look in them. It was not unlike when he saw her after the incident and the theater date. Only now, it wasn't emptiness or loneliness that was reflected in them.

This was complete and utter despair.

As he continued to keep his horrified eyes loked on her, he noticed a streak of light running down her face, and just then, he saw her lips move. To everyone else, it was barely audible, but for Haruto, Saki might as well have screamed them.

"Haruto.....Please help me!"


His eyes watering, Haruto could only wish that it was him up there, not her.


Man, this was hard to write. Poor Saki.

Honestly, I feel that the gravity of what Saki had to endure wasn't properly conveyed or even realized by the show, so I really wanted to go more into her feelings throughout this scene, especially knowing how much she tried to fight against the world by being an idol, only for this to pretty much shatter those dreams.

Not to mention that it will also start the turning point for Haruto's character. Given that he hates to see others in pain and feels he must take the burden himself, to see someone else suffer is like, well, a dagger through the back. So I really wanted him to feel even more guilty for this.

Next up, things are going to deviate even more from the show.

Again, do give any thoughts or comments.
Personally, I'm not sure about A-Drei shooting Saki in the head. Seems very out of character for him to shoot someone who is apparently unarmed, even though that person is an enemy.

Otherwise not bad, keep it going.
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