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Old 2024-04-04, 11:59   Link #8171
Mad Pierrot
Corrupted fool
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: I'm everywhere
Age: 34
I don't mind Lelouch's revival that much but he taking the entire spotlight felt like an excuse to increase the money Sunrise would obtain. Kazuki Akane already used Lelouch's character in the OVA but without such an abuse that would affect the entire plot of Akito.

I know Suzaku is a polarizing character but the scene where he started beating up Lelouch was really good as it felt like a common reaction... somehow. I mean Lelouch's return felt like a "in your face!" from Taniguchi and Suzaku felt like he was trying to tone it down. The movie also focused more on C.C. but sadly the character instead was the one forcing Lelouch to save the day rather than make something more innovative. If only they toned down Lelouch's screentime I think I would have appreciated the movie more.
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