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Old 2024-04-23, 02:54   Link #44
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Again, sorry for the long wait on this part. This one is simultaneously the scene I've been looking forward to the most, and also the one I'm most nervous about. I'll probably end up editing it again and again. But without further ado, here we go.


Haruto was lost in thought as he entered the hallway. At least, now that he had cleared things up with Shouko, he knew that the latter didn't hate him after all. She was still the same optimistic friend from back when they were kids again, with the only difference now being the caveat that they agreed to only remain as that, not as a couple.

"At least now I won't have that hanging over me in the coming battles" he thought to himself. "She'll surely find someone who can fill that spot in her heart, and who doesn't have this curse bound to them."

Even still, the thought of him being alone in the end, despite it being something he had prepared himself for repeatedly tugged at his soul a little bit. Before, the notion of him dying alongside the destruction of the Valvraves was his ultimate end goal in mind, as the curse started with him, and it had to end with him as well.

"After all, it's only caused me and the others nothing but pain" he said internally, remembering how it caused him to do such horrific actions. "It must be only myself that deserves the responsibility of this affliction, and sees it destroyed."

And yet...

"You think that by t-taking it all by yourself, you're h-helping us?! That only y-you can handle the burden of this c-curse, and only you d-deserve it, and w-we aren't a-allowed to be a s-shoulder to l-lean o-on?! A-And that we’ll a-all be sunshine and r-rainbows in the e-event that you d-die?! How can you be so s-selfish?!"

That tearful statement from Saki replayed again in his mind. It was one of the few times he had ever seen her so openly upset with him. Even the aftermath of the curse incident hadn't brought her to such an outburst, yet him telling her of his plan to sacrifice himself, and how she shouldn't offer herself to him to ease his pain did.

"Rukino-san...Why act like this?

So lost in thought he was, that he nearly ended up bumping into the other occupant of the hallway.

"I never got to thank you for giving me the opportunity to atone for my mistakes."

Haruto, finally snapping out of his thoughts, looked up to see A-Drei, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, surprisingly giving him a small smile.

"Hey, the fact that you showed remorse over your actions is reason enough for me to give you that chance."

"After all, you're the not the only one who is seeking redemption."

"You really are sickly sweet in your worldview when it comes to things like that" A-Drei remarked. "Yet I can see that's why she cares so much for you."

"It is something I picked up from her after all" Haruto said, thinking he was referring to his childhood friend. "Though me and Shouko can't be together as a couple, we're still always going to be friends."

A-Drei blinked, before giving a small chuckle. "PM Sashinami? No, that's not who I was referring to."

Haruto paused "...Are you talking about Rukino-san?"

He nodded. "Her resolve and loyalty to you is something that I respect. If she wasn't so devoted to you, I'd ask for her hand in marriage."

That remark earned a small blush from the Valvrave pilot. "W-What do you mean by that? All of us pilots have each other's backs whenever we have to go out on a mission."

The Karlstein agent raised an eyebrow. "You seriously haven't noticed just how she looks at you? Why else do you think she endured all that torture, even after I offered to set her free?"

True, it was something that Haruto still questioned. He still couldn't wrap his brain around why she chose to go through that, especially as he felt she would have every right to tell A-Drei the truth, given what he did to her that night, even with the curse being the cause.

"She's over in that break hall" A-Drei said, nodding his head towards the door leading to it. "I believe that she was trying to ask you something earlier, so please go talk to her, especially if you want the answers to why she did what she did. It's best to ask her directly after all."

Looking towards the door, Haruto did remember that she had tried to get his attention before he entered the observatory deck with Shouko.

"...Alright. I do need to let her know how things between me and Shouko are now." he said, straightening his posture.

Before he could take another step though, A-Drei reached into his pocket, and tossed something at Haruto. Grabbing the item, the latter tilted his head at what he held in his hands; a pink-gold locket, engraved with the picture of a rose.

"What is this for?"

"Trust me, you'll need it for your dialogue with her." A-Drei said with a wink. "Don't tell her that I gave it to you."

A bit confused, but still determined, Haruto pocketed the locket, and made his way into the room where Saki was.

"Don't mess this up Haruto Tokishima" A-Drei thought as he watched the door close behind the latter. "I owe this to Rukino Saki after all."


Still gazing at her phone with dull eyes, Saki gave another sad sigh, as she took in the sight of all the insults and condemnations being posted about her over the WIRED network. It was already hard enough having to view her entire idol career get smashed to pieces earlier, and now, with Haruto being with Shouko, it was even more of a bitter thorn in her heart.

"I refuse to let this world kill me!" she thought, trying to stay determined. "The best way to fight back against this is to continue living after all!"

Yet as she said that to herself again internally, it was tampered with once again, the image of the boy whom she still held such strong feelings continued to appear in her mind, repeatedly.

"Haruto..." she thought, trying her hardest to remain strong. "I'll stay by your side, no matter what you think about yourself. Just please don't think that you dying would redeem yourself in the eyes of Shouko or myself."

She wondered if her words towards him on the moon would have any effect on his self-loathing nature. It was harsh, but the notion that he would rather face his curse alone was not something that pleased her in the slightest.

"It is our bond after all. Why do you not think I can handle it?"

As that thought went through her head, she slumped as she knew that he'd much rather have it gone, given his feelings for Shouko.

"By now, he's now given the truth to her, and worked things out with her. She'll be the one who he bears it for from now on.......Just, please don't forget me, Haruto."

"Rukino-san! I've been looking for you."

Saki was startled out of her thoughts by another voice that had entered the break hall. Looking up from her phone, who should she see but none-other than the object of her affections himself; Haruto Tokishima.

"H-Haruto!" she exclaimed, before trying her best to appear normal in front of him. "What brings you to me?"

"I can't show him my weakness" she thought. "Especially if I am to stand by his side."

"I noticed that you wanted to speak to me while I was heading to the observation deck with Shouko. So, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

Her face fell at his mention of Shouko, but she quickly tried to put it behind her for the moment. Not that what she was about to ask him was any more comforting.

Just then, Haruto stumbled for a second, placing his arm on the wall to support himself. "...Sorry, I'm not exactly at top shape right now."

"That's what I mean to talk to you about Haruto."

"...I learned from Kibukawa about your Rune situation. You have to supply the rest of us and the Valvraves with them, and given how you are right now, you haven't been feeding enough."

"Hey, don't worry about it." Haruto said, putting on a smile. "It's not like I'm struggling to even stand like I was after those experiments."

"But I heard from him what happens if you run out!" Saki replied. "You have to use up your life-force, and eventually, you die. Like what happened to Marie..."

A brief frown flashed across Haruto's face before, once again, he grinned. "No need to worry. I'm going back to feed on L-Elf before our next mission, so I'll be ready again."

"Again, why can't you let me support you?"

"About that" she said, trying to get him to not rely on only him "Kibukawa told me that he's not even sure if you feeding on L-Elf will be enough to keep you functional, given what all you have to power with your Runes."

That was enough to finally get Haruto to look concerned. Clearly, he hadn't thought of the fact that he couldn't just rely on their strategist to supply him, if he was to be in top shape.

Unfortunately for Saki, Haruto once again put on a brave face. "If that's the case, then I'll just have to be careful with how I use my Valvrave in the next fight. So, no going all out with the Harakiri Blade or anything like that."

"Please Haruto" Saki pleaded. "Don't put on a brave face, not to me! I can see how much this affects you, and I can't bear to see you in such a state. What would Shouko think of you neglecting your well-being for that matter?"

It pained her to mention Shouko, given how she was sure he was with his childhood friend at this point, but if she was to get through to him, Saki was willing to bring her up.

Haruto paused. "...Shouko did say that we'd share our struggles together. Though I'm not sure if I can bring myself to feed on her."

"I'm sure she understands. You did clear things up with her right?"

"Of course I did."

"Then let her support you with this alongside L-Elf. After all, we all need you in the best condition."

"If I can't be your support, at least trust your soon-to-be wife." Saki thought, fighting through the pain the notion of him and Shouko together gave to her.

At long last, Haruto seemed to finally take Saki's words into consideration. "...You're right Rukino-san. For the sake of the rest of the survivors, I'll look into feeding on someone else besides L-Elf, even if it has to be Shouko."

"...That's good to hear." Saki said, doing her best to look confident. Yet, she couldn't help but feel an ache in her heart.

"I want to hear him ask it again, even if it's all a lie."

"Hey Haruto" she asked, her eyes filled with longing. "Before we go out on this next mission, can you propose to me once more?"

Haruto was taken aback. "Rukino-san what-?"

"Please. At least tell me what you told Shouko" she pleaded.

"......What I told her?" he asked, looking into her violet orbs, noting just how much they seemed to be filled with emotion.

Haruto was then met with the sound of giggling.

"...Just kidding" Saki said with a smile, albeit a rather strained one. "Remember to let your special someone know your true feelings before it's too late."

With that, she made to exit the room, doing her best to hold back her tears.

"Goodbye Haruto" she sadly thought. "I hope you and Shouko can have a happy life together, and that you both are able to share everything, be it your struggles and accomplishments."

Before she could reach the door though, she felt her wrist being wrapped in a tight grip. Surprised, she looked back to see Haruto holding her with his expression set.

"Rukino-san, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing" she replied, waving her other hand dismissively. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."

"Please Haruto. I don't want to get in the way of-"

"No, you're not" he said firmly, interrupting her thought. "I know based on the look in your eyes."

Indeed, it was something that he had become accustomed to from his many interactions with the former idol, as he found that they were the best way to understand what she was truly thinking, given how often she would often say that she was lying or was just repeating her lines from before.

"Like when she said she was lonely during the theater date" he noted internally. And now, her eyes looked so much like they were back then.

"Rukino-san, please. You don't have to hold back any of your true feelings from me. After all, keeping secrets is what led to the mess between me and Shouko in the first place. So, I ask you; what's got you acting so melancholy?"

Saki struggled to come up with another excuse. It was not something she was all that keen on sharing, as it would just lead to the inevitable rejection of her feelings for him, given that he was in love with Shouko. That wasn't something she wanted to hear, regardless of how much she had prepared for it.

"I know what you’re going to say to me regarding her. Please don't add to the pain."

Yet as she looked at Haruto's expression, she realized that he wasn't going to let her leave. Not until he finally got the truth from her. She let out a sigh as she accepted the situation, wondering how she should start.

"......I've never told you about my childhood before, have I?" she asked, locking the door so no one would interrupt them.

Haruto thought back to when she emerged from Carmilla after her first test flight.

"Poverty. Violence. Alcohol. Crime. I would've been better off without my parents. To escape from them, from that horrible world, I had no choice but to become famous."

"You did mention it, but you said you were just kidding." Haruto responded, realization slowing covering his face. "...You really were telling the truth then, weren't you?"

Saki nodded. "I didn't have it easy growing up, as my family was impoverished for most of my childhood. My father was an alcoholic, often returning home drunk, and that just added to the poverty we were in. And as for my mother..."

She had to swallow a lump in her throat. "She was quite a crazy bitch. Often, she would blame me for all the hard times we were in. She'd take that anger out physically, whether it was trying to suffocate me under bedsheets, or slicing my body with scissors. One time, she nearly drowned me under the bathtub."

Haruto froze at her description of her mother's abuse of her. It sounded all too similar to what he witnessed her endure while captured by Dorssia.

"Eventually, I did manage to find a footing for myself" she continued. "I was scouted by a Jiorian entertainment company, and they were impressed enough by my talents that they recruited me. But even then, I was looked down upon by the other idols there. They constantly tried to undermine my progress again and would throw me under the bus whenever something went wrong during rehearsals."

"But I think they were just jealous of my innate talent" she said with a small smile. "After all, I was the most popular of the idols the company had under their wing, given how much sweat and tears I shed for the position. Before long, I was at the top of the charts, signing on with multiple advertising agencies, and even received the starring role in a movie!"

"That was the one you took me to see on our date, right?" Haruto asked.

She nodded. "I really attribute it to my manager, Alice. She was always there by my side, making sure I was always signed on to the latest gig, and keeping me busy. Honestly, I owe so much to her, as she was more of a mother to me than my birthmother."

"Seems like you were doing really well." Haruto said. "So, what happened that led you to our Module as just a student?"

Saki had to take a moment to compose herself. "...My mother noted just how successful I was and would often pester me about how much money I was sending to her and my father each month. If I didn't, she said that she'd put me through hell for being 'ungrateful'. Tch, like she had any right calling me that."

"Eventually, it all came to a head. I was told I had another gig, but when I got to the location, all I found was my mother and two older photographers......" Saki wrapped her arms around herself. "...She was trying to sell me into an adult photoshoot. My father even approved of it as well. Both claimed it was to capture every minute detail of my beauty growing up."

Haruto gasped. "Please tell me you didn't suffer through it."

"Of course I didn't!" Saki responded. "Despite my mother coming at me with scissors again, I managed to escape from that hellish prospect......Neither she or my father took that very well."

She wiped her eyes. "T-that was when I was unceremoniously dropped from my idol agency. My parents made a deal with them to terminate my contract in exchange for me focusing on academic studies. Though really, given everything that we know now about Module 77, it's more likely that they sold me to the VVV project. J-just like that, I was used up and thrown away by adults."

Haruto noted Saki's crestfallen expression. "So that's why you were so eager to become famous through becoming a Valvrave pilot, and why you bodyjacked me."

She looked down at her feet. "...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that, but I was just so desperate to regain my fame, lest I have to return to my demon of a father and mother again. It's why I wanted to make my mark on the world."

"It's okay Rukino-san" he replied. "At least, now I know why you did it, and that also explains why you were so closed off to nearly all of us. And at the very least, you did become a successful idol again!"

Though he then felt his heart sink as he saw her once again become melancholy.

"......Yes I was. Until I was exposed as an inhuman monster in front of the entire world."

With that, she showed him the WIRED network regarding her on her phone. Haruto felt his eyes become itchy as he read comment after comment of former fans condemning her, destroying all the merch of her they had, as well as every single agency once again dropping any contracts they had with her.


"I'm back to square one again" she said, struggling to keep herself from crying. "And I don't know if I'll ever regain my idol status now. After all, w-who'd want to cheer for me a-after seeing what happened to me?"

"All because we left her down there." Haruto thought bitterly.

"Y-you know what the worst part of all that was though?" Saki continued, her voice shaking and tears beginning to stream down her face. "I was all a-alone to endure the h-heartbreak. H-here I was, g-going through t-torture not u-unlike what my p-parents put me through, exposed to the w-world as a f-freakshow, and was again a-at the m-mercy of a-adults, simply u-using me as a plaything. A-And I was l-left alone throughout it all, f-from the m-moment I was separated on E-Earth from the rest, to being b-bound up in that b-body bag."

"...It h-hurt so m-much." she said with a sob. "To k-know that d-despite all my b-best e-efforts, I-I was still that a-abused and f-forsaken little girl I tried to r-run away from."

Haruto's heart sank like a rock at seeing the grief on Saki's face. To hear her admit how hurt she was after all that she went through and knowing that he was at least partly responsible for the torment she endured, just added to his guilt of leaving her behind even more.

"Given that I'm at fault for not making a better effort to find her while on Earth... he thought, cursing himself for his lack of action regarding her whereabouts during the mission, "She probably hates me."

"I-I see" Haruto said, tears of his own starting to fall from his eyes. "I-I understand if you d-don't want to see me a-again......I s-should be going now.”

With that, he made his way to the door, trying to not breakdown.

"Haruto, wait!" Saki suddenly cried out.

"What is it?" he asked, unable to turn to face her. "What else do you have to say to someone who left you to suffer all that? It should've been me who was captured, not you."

"Haruto, what did I tell you about saying that about yourself?" she responded in a pleading tone. "There's a reason why I chose to endure the torture, rather than accept A-Drei's offer of freedom."

Haruto remembered that the Karlstein agent told him the exact same thing. It was an action that perplexed him, and he wanted to know the answer.

"...Why Rukino-san?" he asked, turning to face her. "You know that I could've endured the torture as well. So why did you instead decide to continue to suffer?"

She floated towards him, her eyes obscured by the bangs of her hair. As she looked up to meet his gaze, her violet eyes shimmering with longing, Saki voiced the answer.

".....Because of you, Haruto."

".....What do you mean Rukino-san? Does this mean you blame me for what you went for?"

Saki vehemently shook her head. "No, Haruto. I went through it because I didn't want you to undergo the torture that would you would succumb to should A-Drei have captured you. He said that whoever shot his eye out deserved what I was going through more than me, and I couldn't bear the thought of you going through it."

"But why?" he asked, guilt covering his face. "I told you that I don't want others to suffer purely for my benefit, and that's essentially what you endured. So why did you go through it?"

Saki paused. "What do I say to him?" she wondered. "I know his relationship with Shouko, and that those two will no doubt be together now, so should I tell him what I feel for him? I'll just be rejected after all."

".....Haruto" she finally said, raising her hand to his cheek, "you are the reason why I didn't crack even during all those torture sessions. As long as you were safe, that was enough for me. It's why I don't blame you for them, and why you shouldn't feel like you hurt me through my refusal to tell A-Drei the truth either."

Haruto was still left dumbfounded. "Why me?" he asked, grasping her hand. "After everything I did to you, whether it was under the curse or not, how can you be so loyal to me?"

Saki took a deep breath, her heart starting to beat heavily in her chest.

"...B-because you are the star that i-illuminated my life" Saki responded, her voice beginning to shake and her eyes starting to tear up again. "E-even amidst all the d-darkness and the things I've lost, whether it w-was my idol s-status or m-my purity, you were s-still the first light to a-appear in my eyes."

"N-no matter the s-situation, or whatever hardships that g-get thrown our way, you n-never let go of y-your caring nature." she continued, her emotions now pouring out. "It's that p-pure, unselfish k-kindness Haruto. T-That's why I f-fight now, a-and why I am willing to e-endure the torture and pain. To s-see someone like you go through s-such darkness.....that's the one w-wound that hurts far w-worse than a blade through the b-back."

".....Even after what the curse made me do to you?" Haruto asked, still not quite able to believe what she was saying. "You would allow it to hurt you as well rather than prevent me from doing such an action? You did say that you would kill me before the curse made me hurt someone. So why allow it to do that to you?"

"D-Do you know w-why I allowed that t-to happen rather than s-stopping you?" she continued, streams running down her cheeks. "B-because it w-was then that I realized just h-how badly this c-curse affects you and t-the rest of us pilots. It's s-something that c-connects us, given we share that n-nature. I-It's not s-something that you c-can b-bury with p-pain after all. If I c-could help you by s-sharing this burden, I t-thought I could be seen a-as someone y-you could rely on. It may be a curse, b-but in a way, it's also our b-bond."

Haruto felt dazed as he listened to her reasoning, struggling to fully accept such a selfless act. "Rukino-san.....You don't mind what I've become and how it affects us both?

Saki nodded, the tears now running like waterfalls from her violet eyes. "I k-know that m-me not stopping the curse f-from overtaking you t-that night may mean y-you see me as j-just a s-source of g-guilt and horror, and a r-reminder of that h-horrible act your new n-nature can c-cause. And t-that you p-probably think I o-only d-delayed the p-problem of the curse i-instead of s-solving it. But p-please Haruto. P-please don't r-resent me f-for not stopping y-you, nor t-think of yourself as s-some sort of m-monster for what it m-made you do. I c-can handle it if t-this is what the c-curse d-does to you. Y-you shouldn't w-want to punish yourself for w-what you will now always h-have to deal with as a K-Kamitsuki, but r-rather, w-work through it. A-After all, I-I'm here should you fall u-under it again."

She wiped her tears. "So you see Haruto, you don't have to face all this alone, nor should you want to. It's something we can share together; half-and-half as you like to say. I know that you have Shouko already, but I too want to be that person. And if it means having to go through torture and losing my idol status, then so be it. As long as I can rest knowing that you're not facing the burden alone and can rely on me to help carry your weight, then I can face any attack thrown my direction, and endure the pain that it inflicts. It's our bond after all. You don't have to face it by yourself, see yourself as a monster for it, or wish to die before it takes you over again. Not when you have me to lean on."

Her admission now complete, Saki looked down, wondering how she should frame everything she said to him. The only thing she left out was the fact that she loved him.

"He's with Shouko now, so there's no point" she thought sadly. "But I'll always keep my love for him, even after 200 years."

Haruto didn't know what to say to her in response. He knew that she considered him his friend, but to hear her confess all this to him left him mesmerized. She didn't hold a single thing against him, instead taking it all in stride. All so that he didn't have to suffer alone.

" really would want to share such a heavy burden like this curse with me?"

He had still been determined to suffer the curse all by himself, and for it to end with him alone. After all, it only caused him to hurt those who he was close to, alongside reminding him that he wasn't human. Hence why he only fed on L-Elf, as his demeanor made him feel guiltless. Yet now after hearing Saki just now, and how she was willing to take it all as well...

"Was I really willing to bear the burden alone so as to not hurt others again?" he questioned, an epiphany starting to form. ".....Or was I just trying to not hurt myself? Was I just unwilling to accept the reality of my inhuman state of being? Is that why I only fed on L-Elf, so I could remain feeling like an innocent victim? So I could still think I could present myself as the same boy to Shouko, when even forgetting that, we've grown far apart thanks to our responsibilities? How could I not have trusted Rukino-san after everything she was willing to bear?"

He thought back to what she said at the theater. "I wanted to be chosen. By just one person. If my loneliness became our loneliness, that would've been enough for me." The realization of what she meant by that was now becoming much clearer in his mind, especially in light of what all she had said and done for him, alongside how upset she had been towards the notion of him dying and suffering alone.

"Rukino-san.....Thank you." he thought, warmth starting to fill his heart. "You don't know how much you've helped me, and I'm sorry I didn't notice until now."

Before all the events of the war had happened, he had only held eyes for his childhood friend. Yet now, after everything that happened between him and Saki, all that she was willing to endure for his sake, all that she had done for him throughout the war, and upon hearing what all she had said to him just then, he was feeling those emotions towards the girl in front of him.

"How could I have not realized it?" he thought, mentally slapping himself. "No wonder she rejected my original proposal to her. She doesn't need or want me to feel obligated to her, and now, neither do I. Rather..."

Suddenly, the sound of giggling reached his ears. Looking up, he saw Saki, now back to her more cheerful persona.

"Hee hee, how was that performance?" she asked in a chipper tone. "Nice to see that I still haven't lost a beat when it comes to my acting skills isn't it?"

"Rukino-san..." Haruto said, noting that despite her words, Saki's eyes still contained the same longing displayed when she started her admission.

"Who knows?" she continued. "Once the war with Dorssia is over, then maybe-"

Just then, she found herself wrapped up in Haruto's arms, embracing her tightly, while tears slowly fell from his eyes.


"Rukino-san.....What did I ever do to deserve someone as amazing as you?" he asked.

She hugged him back. "Didn't I tell you already? It's your unconditional kindness."

"Thank you, Saki" Haruto replied, a warm smile gracing his face. "Is it alright if I call you that now?"

She nodded. "I was hoping you'd call me by my first name for who knows how long."

Saki then pulled away from his embrace. "Even after you and Shouko get married, please, can you still use my first name when addressing me?"

"At least let me have this" she thought. Only to then be surprised by the sound of soft laughter coming from Haruto's mouth.

"Saki.....about me and Shouko. We both agreed that, while remaining friends, we can't be together as a couple, what with my inhuman nature."

Her eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "He's not going to be with Shouko? Then, could there still be a chance for me to-"

"I had planned on carrying the weight of the curse of the Valvraves by myself. Given the current circumstances between Shouko and I, that seemed to be the inevitable outcome." Haruto continued. "Yet now, I see that there's no reason for me to do that. Not when I have someone like you right in front of me. For you to still want to be by my side after everything..."

Realizing that this is why A-Drei gave him the locket, he took it out from his pocket, his heart now beginning to beat faster.

"You said that you wanted your loneliness to become our loneliness, and I feel the same way. Just like how you refuse to let me face this burden alone, so too will I be with you."

Tears, this time of joy, start to fall from Saki's eyes as she saw him get down on one knee, a pink-gold locket held out to her in his right hand. "Could this be?"

"So I ask you, this time not out of guilt or obligation, but rather because I truly want to be with you; Rukino Saki, will you marry me?"

Saki let out an exhale. She had never felt happier in her entire life. For her to actually hear him propose to her, and this time, truly because he wanted to, was something she had only dreamt of. And yet it wasn't a fantasy.

"Haruto.....thank you!"

"Yes!" she responded, joyful tears streaking down her cheeks. "It would be my greatest honor to be your wife! I accept!"

With that, she took Haruto's hand in hers, the latter now also crying happy tears as he got to his feet. Embracing her, he placed the locket around Saki's neck.

"It looks good on you" he said.

Saki held the locket in her hands, looking at the flowery design with her watery amethyst orbs. "...Thank you Haruto. I'll treasure this always."

"Whatever faces us both in the future, I promise to always remain by your side and never give up until the end of time." Haruto added, raising his pinky finger.

"A promise is a promise" Saki replied, wrapping her finger around his. "And I'll fulfill it as well. We'll share this half-and-half!"

The two looked at each other, unsure of what to say next, though they didn't need to communicate to indicate what they wanted to do next. Gazing into each others eyes, they made to close the distance and connect their lips. Just then however, Haruto shoved Saki backwards.

"Haruto, what-?"

"Dang it, not now!" he groaned, as glowing marks began to form on his face. "Saki, get out of here! I don't want to-!"

But instead, he found her placing both of her hands on his face.

"Haruto, it's okay" she said, giving him a loving expression. "Remember? We are to share this burden between us. And that includes whatever urges the curse inflicts on you. You don't have to punish yourself for it. Whatever it is you go through, I'll always be here for you."

He found himself able to fight off the curse slightly as he heard her say that to him. Still he had to be sure.

"Saki, are you sure this is what you want?"

She gave him a smile, unzipping her pilot suit. "Yes. Don't be afraid Haruto, as I belong to you now. I love you after all."

And just like that, the fear and guilt left him, and he too began to undo his own pilot suit. "Saki....thank you. I love you too."

With that, he allowed the curse to overtake him, and the two became one.


Man, that was a long one, and it took me quite a while to write. Truthfully, I'm still not quite sure I'm 100% happy with how it turned out.

But even so, it is still the one I was looking forward to writing the most, as Haruto and Saki's relationship was one of my favorite things about the original series, and for it to not turn out in it was one of my biggest beefs with it, as I felt that it made the most sense for both characters, as they grew and matured thanks to their connection. So this is me having them get together here at least.

Thoughts? Too sappy or cheesy?

Last edited by LightDragonman; 2024-05-21 at 02:37. Reason: Flows better this way.
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