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Old 2024-05-12, 16:52   Link #428
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Originally Posted by Cloudedmind View Post
With the Man God saying Rudy will regret going, I'm now expecting Sylphie to not make it out of this pregnancy alive.
Man-God was being really, really vague though. Like, "I didn't lie to you, did I? tee hee". Deeply manipulative and two-faced wording. The kind of thing where, sure, you might "regret" doing one or the other option, but without any context, you don't know if it is, "I regret not being there to save my mother and her death haunts my entire family," versus, "I regret being on 'deployment' and missing my firstborn's birth, but can happily make up for lost time now that I'm back with Zenith safe as well."

Man-God refused to elaborate when Rudeus pressed him for details in the most evasive manner possible. It was also the first time to me that Mad-God didn't feel like he actually had any good advice for Rudeus.

Stay and impregnate Pursena and/or Linia? Terrible advice. They lack any and all maturity. Norn would have gone off and gotten killed, probably before she ever got there. Elinalise would have left the two positive things she's had in her life in apparently quite a long time (Sylphiette not rejecting her and Cliff being deeply devoted to her).

The impression I got was that Man-God is effectively done with Rudeus and got whatever he needed out of him. Which is way more alarming.
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