Thread: Crunchyroll Bartender: Glass of God
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Old 2024-05-18, 08:49   Link #41
Dr. Casey
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Tennessee
Age: 36
I don't see any "women feel compelled to be subservient and keep men happy" gender politics subtext here. I don't think she felt bad over her refusal to put out the cigar but for her word choice being antagonistic/needling ("Don't get so angry just because you can't get your way. Life doesn't always go the way you want it to"). You could easily say that was justified since he'd just called her self-centered and was bothering her, but that's honestly besides the point because you can still feel guilt even in cases where your words/actions were justified. I don't think the narrative was necessarily saying that she was in the wrong or that she owed him an apology, but sometimes if you say/do something that could potentially hurt or upset someone during an argument, you feel bad even if you weren't particularly in the wrong, or even if you were entirely in the right. There's definitely been times where I said something harsh during an argument and even if it was just exerting reasonable boundaries, or self-defense against an aggressive person, I still felt bad and apologized later because it feels unpleasant to do something that negatively influences others no matter who was wrong or right.

Last edited by Dr. Casey; 2024-05-18 at 10:33.
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