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Old 2003-11-03, 21:27   Link #1
In The Navy
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sweden
Age: 38
Exclamation Is my file corrupt? How you can check.

When you download a file from animesuki almost every file will have a row of letters and numbers in the file name ex. Stellvia_of_the_Universe_01_[r-b][9D5CFF64].avi. [9D5CFF64] is this files CRC.

CRC stands for "Cyclic Redundancy Check" or "Cyclic Redundancy Checksum" and is in a way a "fingerprint" of the entire file.

Now to actually have a use for these numbers you will need to have your own program that can calculate the CRC of your downloaded file.
Then you compare the calculated CRC with the one stated in the file name. If the two numbers coincide the file has not been corrupted during dowload and if you cant see it, it's probably due to codec problems.

To take our example, you calculate the CRC and the program shows you the CRC like this 9d5cff64 well dont worry its the same as 9D5CFF64. small or big letters dont matter.

This is also helpfull if your burning your anime to CD's since you can then check the CRC of the burnt files to see if the burn was succesful.

Edit: Ok found another CRC calculator that works

Last edited by Dark_Voodoo; 2004-07-27 at 20:18.
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