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Old 2006-10-08, 02:49   Link #1116
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by bayoab View Post
Poster is entirely right. Kanon is all hype and no substance. Heck, it only got 18000 downloads in 24 hours which is pathetic considering the hyping that you see of it on this board. The only redeeming point of the series is hearing Kyuuichi making sarcastic remarks and there aren't even enough of those.
You can't be serious linking download numbers to "substance" ... if that was the case, Naruto and Bleach would be the epitome of that. God forbid. Besides, it could only be due to lacking substance if the numbers dropped in episode 2 - not in episode 1.

No, it's a fact that hyped action almost always outperforms other anime types in downloads, particularly moe. Look at Death Note for example. Also, keep in mind that first episodes of shows quite often take a while to develop. If I remember correctly, even Haruhi needed some time before the word spread and took off. There may be less of this effect this time since the word about Kanon was well-spread before while Haruhi was literally unknown, but as long as the quality holds up, I expect the number of spectators to at least double, maybe more.

In any case, I think the first episode was a very solid piece of work, and it certainly outdid the original. I'm happy with it ^_^
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