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Old 2006-10-24, 02:40   Link #28
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Caiobrz View Post
(I'm not even going to ask how Rika manages to survive at Matsuribashihen since I doubt someone will actually reply, but if there is a kind soul out there that can ease my anciety on this title please do, even if it's on PM, because I'm dying to know how she manages to survive and other questions but nobody that played the game seams to be willing to answer, and hell I'm not going to buy the game and take 2 years to learn Japanese ... by than I will already have scratched my neck to death in antecipation ><
It's a miracle.

...It's true though.

Originally Posted by Caiobrz View Post
What makes me mad about Higurashi is not the game, the manga nor the anime, but how people who know the answers for all of these questions will play "we know it, you don't" and don't help at all.
I'm sorry it appeared that way to you. I don't know about kj or the others, but personally, I don't really know how to answer some of the questions myself. It may look like a simple question to you, but it certainly isn't simple to answer them. Some of them took whole chapters to explain and reveal, and to just say "______ happened" probably wouldn't mean much.

In any case, your question about Satoshi WILL be answered in the Matsuribayashi puzzle pieces thread (we're only at the 2nd year victims here, the pieces will cover all the way until current time (June 1983)). The problem is, as you probably noticed, these are really long entries. kj is tired right now, and I certainly don't have time to work on them everyday.

I will admit though, that the pieces are really nothing more than just "the truth behind the history of everything". Without Minagoroshi/Matsuribayashi-hen's scenario, there won't be any real "solutions" concerning Rika and her friends' effort to fight against the fate of June 1983.

Originally Posted by Caiobrz View Post
Finally, we clearly see that Rika knew about everything on the secret research and even though she is young, after living so many times her life over and over it would be about time she realised who killed her. I mean, excluding the suicide and Shion torture scenarios, she knows she is going to be killed on that given day, it takes only a couple of "resets" to realise who you can trust and who you can't, and than a couple more resets to come up with a trap to prevent your death. Over 100 rebirths is really an exageration IMHO.

In my 3rd or 4th rebirth I would already go straigth to Oishi and go all "Nostradamus" to him, by summer 1983 he would believe me and set his team to tag Rika 24-7 ¬¬ if it failed, than you can add Oishi to suspects list and try the same with other characters until the trap worked. 15~20 resets tops to get to happy ending solution. =p
Well... everytime Rika resets, memories of the few hours leading up to her death is erased, so she never remembers who killed her, and whether her efforts had any effect or not. There's also the issue of the "mental wear" that happens whenever her hopes were betrayed.

In any case, it's a lot more complicated than that. I can only hope the guys over at the translation project can manage to complete their work. After all, Matsuribayashi-hen had so many exciting scenes (Shion/Kasai team in a firefight with their AK-47, for example ), it'll be a waste for fans like you guys to miss out on them.
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