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Old 2006-10-24, 13:44   Link #33
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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The other issue is that some people don't have the proper equipment to
play the game but that is neither here nor there - cost aside there are
some minimum hardware requirements for any game these days.

That being said: I've found out more about what I don't know about
this story just by reading these threads than anything else. It's too
bad that people can't be patient and wait. I suspect the people nice
enough to key in all of that data have lives and other things to do
besides keying in text all day? So I give my thanks to those who take
the time to do it.

And I get the idea that the 7th Expension team has been working on
this for at least a decade, the depth in this story is almost absurd for
what is ultimately an animated cartoon.

Prediction: once it catches on in the U.S. it will be licensed and
everyone will know about it. It just needs that "catch". I suspect
it will be absurdly popular too. I feel like we're members of a weird
little club who know about it before that tidal wave of interest.

But getting back to the idea that:


One other thing:

Last edited by aliensporebomb; 2006-10-26 at 11:40.
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