Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2006-11-05, 12:47   Link #2280
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Don't you think you are exaggerating things a bit?
Not really, no. I thought this was the Simoun thread, not the "those uguu~ moe fanboys are so annoying!" thread. Do you really not understand how this comes across if you guys sit here and complain about the plebes that like stuff you guys don't?

If you want to write negative things about Kanon, be my guest. I got into a rather heated exchange because I had less than complimentary things to say about certain aspects too. The difference is I actually brought it to the Kanon thread instead of sitting in a thread devoted to an entirely different show and making generalizations about Kanon fans as opposed to those who are privileged to have the "good taste" to like non-mainstream shows.

I guess you just don't get how obnoxious that can come across to someone that loves Simoun (but isn't a hardcore enough fangirl like yourself, I guess) and comes here to read interesting discussions about the girls and the world of Simoun instead of generalities about other anime fans and what "undeserving" shows are currently popular.
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