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Old 2006-11-07, 13:40   Link #30
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 38
in fact, i feel the "nobody is there" is a bit... well too convenient.
in the manga, camo was really cautious, and if needed, whispers to negi, instead of blatantly showing up his opinion, and doing so. (the school is huge afterall, SHAFT was ommiting slightly the whole school life and focused only on the 3A, which isn't that bad, but leaves some interesting details though >_< )

maybe camo isn't that bold, but there is also a bit too much of moments where there is nobody around. (some moments are really impossible in the original story, where you could have anyone popping randomly. but again, this is not supposed to follow religiously the manga)

granted, i hope it won't end something like "everyone will be negi's partner" or it will be horribly cheesy -_-" (oh well, there is... around twenty episodes left so XD)

that aside, this doesn't really hurt SHAFT master piece, of course (such details are maybe too nitpicking )
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