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Old 2006-11-07, 14:51   Link #33
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Near Cincinnati, OH, but actually in Kentucky
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Deathkillz View Post
if they manage to fit the word "maho" into this series expect me to fall down and cry with laughter XD chances are high i hope
They already did. I think it was in episode one - Asuna had 'maho' appear over her head in red katakana (just like Himeko). I forget what procured it, but I do remember that it was brilliantly appropriate.

It seems like the Library Island and Kyoto archs won't be showing up. Probably a blessing in disguise, as developing just the Kyoto arch properly would take half the series. Better to forego it completely than try to squeeze it somewhere it won't fit. I think we had these two things hinted at at the bottom of the screen when Takamichi was talking to Negi, though.
I'm really loving Honya's voice. It just fits so well.
And was the chupacabra stuff in the manga? It's been like a year since I've read it, so I don't remember.
Looks like Evangeline will be playing a huge part throughout the series. I'm ecstatic, because the amount of win contained at any given point in Negima is very closely tied to the amount of Eva in proximity to it.
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