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Old 2006-11-14, 15:51   Link #53
Searching for the Cure
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Washington
Originally Posted by KatonMakai View Post
-True, very true. But for the sake of simplicity shouldn't we focus on the 3 characters that were there at the start: Itachi, Neji, Sasuke? But I can agree, Haku is certainly a genious, maybe even more so than Itachi. But, although he invented his Hyoton jutsu, was he not trained by the Mizu ANBU and Zabuza?
Yeah, he was taught basics and probably advanced mist jutsu. But like i said, his bloodline jutsus were completely and entirely created by himself. It wasn't a simplistic jutsu he created either, pretty complex and very effective. Same goes for Kimi, although he had time around his own people to see how to use his bloodline, and his techniques weren't as elegant/complex as Hakus (imo).

In any case, both are dead, so meh. =)

Rurik --->

What he accomplished is surely amazing. Like i said, even without sharingan its a possibility he could have beaten Neji/Sasuke in a fight (at the same age as them). That is mere speculation, and opinion though. It just doesnt seem that sharingan was what made him such a genious, but rather he was a rare prodigy out of the entire world. He mature/intelligent at age 10.. scared Oro, and defeated his entire clan.. it takes a lot more than a simple MS or sharingan to accomplish that much.
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