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Old 2006-11-25, 07:58   Link #2137
♪~ Daydreaming ~♪
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Originally Posted by Kira_Naruto View Post
@ Pelli .. honestly, the face scares me =/ .. sorry, thus I cant concentrated for it too long to find the weaknesses =/ Gomen m(._.)m
... But if she's the cutest thing in the world
Ok, BgI arts are not KyoAni's , but maybe you need to learn distinguishing a sad face from a creepy face


Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
huhu... i'm not fancying bashing creations... HOWEVER, i love disecting signatures for depth judgement and criticism
Gahh.. don't listen that mind corruptor named KiNa and go ahead on your way: it's nice to have people making detailed reviews about artworks, when they have the skills for it. It's of help both for the destinatary, both for the common third party reader. I myself try do the same with animated works, since I feel more comfortable with those.
Well, the point is, at least imho: nobody is acknowledged of all, and there's always something to learn ^^

As for your Nanoha sign, I find it wonderful as per general appearance. Now what I'm going to say is not related nor influenced by what KiNa suggested you about the text (also because I'm not sure I've got precisely what he wanted to say).
Anyway: "Nanoha Takamachi" doesn't sound good. Maybe it's my habit, but in a japanese name/surname form, I'd always prefere to go with the surname first.
Even more in a case like this, when the surname is longer than the name.
Hence I think "Takamachi Nanoha" (disposing it as you want) would be much better. As for the font, the one used is stylish enough. Still a very solid sign. 9/10

celcius: + half point because you listened my suggestion .. actually it looks a bit better, for what you formerly meant to do with it 8/10

Hoji12: style-wise, it's not bad, though I'm probably missing the full meaning of the humorous message it should be meant to deliver. :/ 7/10
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