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Old 2006-12-05, 03:06   Link #401
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
I think that in many ways Kira's attempt to kill the "bad" people is wrong. I mean we're all human beings for Christ sake; criminals in this world turn to a life of crime cuz of many factors. Most of them grew up in crappy environments and most resorted to crime as a last resort. Given the proper causes and conditions, any human can be inclined to rape, theft, assult, or homicide.

For example, many years ago, a group of Vietnamese refugees attempted to enter america through a small ricketty boat. The navigator died so the people on the boat were left to find their way to america by themselves. Guess what happened? They were lost for a long period of time in open water (much longer than it would take to get to america). The people on the boat resorted to cannibalism to survive, first eating the dead and then eventually killing each other. In the end, the small boat was spotted by a cargo ship with only one surviver. The point of the story is that under specific conditions, people can do some crazy shiet. Therefore killing "bad" people is not justified cuz we can't necessarily blame them for doing the things they do. Their environment warps their perception.
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