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Old 2006-12-06, 17:49   Link #12
Mystery buff
Join Date: May 2006
Location: United Kingdom
Originally Posted by Darkeyesrina View Post
What would have happen if the actually House of Tord Line didn't die (They were the last line that used the Henry/Edward names)?
You mean Tudor right? If so, you're probably right.

What if the Spanish/French Armada actually was able to land in England and start attacking/conquering the country while Queen Elizabeth was actually able to escape to the New World, maybe marry and give her own heir?
Possible, although personally I think it's more likely that Edward VI simply lived long enough to father an heir, although given that Edward VI's father is referred to as 'Henry X' it would imply that the historical difference goes even further back, possibly the War of the Roses was a lot bloodier in the Geass-verse and they went through several Henry Tudors very quickly? I'm not really sure on the America thing as the anime gives no evidence either way. That said if Edward VI is the same as ours the tone of the history book would imply that Britain prospered considerably from his reign onward. Certainly there was obviously no civil war, and whoever was reigning in place of Charles I may even have gotten away with dissolving parliament permanently (or at least keeping it firmly under his thumb)

After that, I suppose everything keep its timeline like today until WWII which I could bet that the Germans won by promising never to attack Britannia and currently the NAZI party is ruling the EEU with puppet states all over Europe. In the EEU the (German) people has equal rights and opportunities.
Doubtful. The Emporer specifically mentioned 'mob rule' as one of his criticisms of the EU, which would imply a far more democratic society than Nazi rule post Enabling Act. Perhaps the Weimar Republic was overthrown by communism, then went democratic after the collapse of the USSR? Of course a British America might have altered the way the great depression turned out completely and that's assuming the Weimar Republic ever existed (A powerful, strictly monarchist Britain and no America would likely have altered the treaty of Versailles considerably with regards to how the future German government turned out).

The Chinese Federation is most likely the current China with the same history. The only difference will be that Britannia never went to war in Europe, but did ally with China and won the war in the Pacific.
Quite possibly, although we can assume Japan got out of it a lot better out of the war than they did in our world, considering they were still very much independant until Lelouche's childhood.

All things considered, I myself am wondering just how much these 'aliens' (if that's what they are and not some Atlantis-like super high tech society) intervened in human affairs. Presumably the higher level of technology is due to them in some way, but I'll be damned if I can guess how.

Fun as this is, something tells me Geass is going to be deliberately vague about how precisely it differs historically, so as not to attract rants from the history fans.
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