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Old 2006-12-12, 07:44   Link #43
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Quote - Klashikari
no i'm not dead, in fact, i was terribly busy these times around, duh
Nobody said you were..


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Quote - Klashikari
yes and no. in fact
Aww.. *snap* so close..
Quote - Klashikari
KiNa said much what are the problems.
the fake transparency is gone (which is good) while the opacity of the center saber and the text is pretty wrong.
Uhh.. I don't really see it that well.. but I guess it could use some work
Quote - Klashikari
also, the jagged black area is really conflicting too much with the font style.
Mmm...... yeah~ I agree ^^'


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Quote - Klashikari
nice change, however, the mood is dramatically changed. if i were to compare with the previous versions, i feel it's kinda "wrong" for this character (while i don't know anything about Black Lagoon anyway)
I kind of put Black Lagoon on a big hold.. but from the eps I've watched.. KiNa's sig.. it don' really feel like it to me.. must be some really new eps.. if there wasn't Black Lagoon written there I would have never guessed.

I think the wrong comes from seeing a brand new version of an ol' sig.. I feel the same way when I see several wall with the same scans..

Generally that's why I'm not that exited of modifying something.. sure a tweak here a tweak there.. but not somethin' that has 'remix' written all over it.. I made it once.. tinkered with it then if it got problems then I have to remember not to make them next time round..

Quote - Klashikari
the text gives the impression that you are using it as a placeholder since you put it twice. (what about splitting black lagoon in 2 ?)
I think it's better left there as is.. it looks great as part of the design..
IMO.. if it was all clear and split in 2.. it would look somewhat cheesy.. or at least that's how it seems if I try to imagine it..


------\ Quote for Reference /------

Quote - Klashikari
the text says "Schwertkreuz" meaning "Cross Sword" (this is the cross device name of hayate, while reinforce is indeed the unison device impersonated by the remaining soul of the very first reinforce of the book of darkness)
Ok I think part of the problem why I couldn't read it is because I find that hard to pronounce..
Uhh.. BTW is that a spoiler you have there in your open parentheses.

Quote - Klashikari
i guess the problem to read this is most likely because it is in german and the original font (animesuki's "unsteady") doesn't give a lot of space between each letter.
The font's not that clear, yes.. but I think the main issue is because it's german.. It’s wlel known that you can raed wdors and steenencs even if the lreetts in the wrdos aren’t in the crorcet oedrr.. if you read it fast and as long as the first and last letters are good.. ^^
Quote - Klashikari
really? oO
i guess the transparency didn't help enough...
the problem with the cross is... it is part of the "nanoha signature" structure, just a copy cat of the 2 others XD
Sorry but I don't think it did.. ^^

To me transparent metal looks weird.. plastic is ok.. but thinking of something that's metal, which would imply hard as hell, and transparent, which would imply thin as air, just sounds like paradox.. maybe if the sig had a different context a paradox would look good.... but not in this one.. it feels too unnatural..

Anyway I don't really understand what the issue with removing it.. are you saing it was part of the original source?! or something like that ........

Quote - Klashikari
like i said to deathkillz, my problem is... this is a complete random BG i created with some original colour and random effects ~~
but i will try to look at it (if i can XD)
Your skills at creating random stuff are excellent keep up the good work..
There's no need to modify the sig.. this is a thread to improve our skills not butcher our sigs.. nee~ (maybe just tweak them a lil')
Of course if you wanna I ain't stopping you ^__^


------\ Quote for Reference /------

Quote - Klashikari
1) the picture ratio is... well, i dunno why, but strangely enough, i feel the left and right edge are a bit too empty... (i think the face and the camera are fixing the attention a bit too much)
2) the transparency is really neat, no need to change it
3) while the font style and size is nice, i don't really get the link between the text and the picture. (side note : isn't supposed to be "equal" without the a after the e ?)
  1. Ok..
    1. The picture ration is determined by the source.. in other words I crammed in as much of her as I could (intentionally)..
      Since it's a transparency gradient I sorta expected people to feel that way
      Anyway, I kind of skeptical of this 'empty'.. let's put it this way: if it ain't empty it ain't bad so itz good
    2. Yeah I know..

      You know I was actually expecting people to say it feels empty on the top..

      Anyway, I like it like that.. it seems wrong to me if the face and camera were the only components of the sig.. they would contrast with the forum background and it would feel empty on all sides.. and that's why I cropped it like that.. to get as much of her in, so I could have content at least on the left and right.. even if it's not very visually eye-popping stuff.. ^^

      From my perspective I still don't feel like I made a bad decision by having only one big focus point..
      Wouldn't the image look flat if I added more?!.. not to mention that nothin' really comes to mind that wouldn't deemphasize/ruin her smile..
  2. Thanks ^^'
  3. Upss.. damn typos.. need to fix that later.. (oh look there's another glitch ^_^ good thing you didn't see it...... I wrote learning with a capital "L", like upss..)
    As for the link with the text and the pic.. uhh.. how should I put it.. there isn't any.. I just wanted to write a little something bellow and one, the forum doesn't have that font and two, using [pre] to get my lil' sig there, makes for some huge spaces.. (don't want that))

Quote - Klashikari
as for me, i will try to fix some issues with the hayate sig. i'm trying to do the chrono sig, but i guess i will simply give up (this is really a pain... it is impossible to find a "good looking" art WITH a nice pose... this is the side effect of (loli)shoujo focused anime... the guyes aren't really covered by the fanbase *sigh* )
Hayate sig as in the one above I presume..
Problem finding art ehh~
What character(s) from what series are you looking for

Quote - KiNa
:-I love your transparency skillz.. honestly, I cant get that smooth effect to work =/.
That's just flattery.. (you are joking.. right?)
If your serious I can make a tutorial on it..

Quote - KiNa
:- logicly, she's a Spiderman family member ain't she, because no way, can peoples hang like that .. Lying maybe, but lying upside down? .. just nitpicking here
Never thought.. actually never imagined people would see it like that..
To me it always looked like she was just leaning down a lil'

Quote - KiNa
:- Nudge the quote to the right maybe? So it lines up with the sig above? right now it starts under the transparency ..
[color="Gray"]It starts before.. and it originally was where you want me to nudge it to.. (but I didn't like it so I dudged to the left )
Quote - KiNa
:- Klashi already noted the typo there.. no a after e in equal
Heh.. yeah, upss ^^


------\ Quote for Reference /------

Ok, out of the 2 this one feels better..
First.. I suggest you give it the same treatment I gave mine.. just set a guide and crop the big left part and make it super decent jpg then crop the right side and make it a decent gif.. problem solved.. artifacts and noise go bye bye..

There are just 2 things about it that bother me..
Actually there are more.. but I can't tell if those are quality related or part of your design.. if it's quality related then it's not your fault.. >.<
  1. That source.. uhh.. there's just something wrong about it.. how should I put it when you used it as a sig a long time ago.. even tho I was following F/sn back then I never looked at and said 'Oh look a sig of caster..' I doubt I'm the only one.. Yeah.. I know you had that text: 'Who made my Caster cry.' or something like that.. The artwork is just.. uhh.. a lil' too realistic or different.. >.<
  2. What's with the thick outline around Caster?!~ it's kind of weird.. feels like a cut/paste job .. but maybe normal people like it..

<?> Why did you write 'KiNa' with a capital A?!.. as in 'KiNA'..
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