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Old 2006-12-13, 12:02   Link #56
Ha ha ha ha ha...
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Originally Posted by Zaris View Post
Again, thanks for directing me to this thread, albeit I'm not really certain what to do here now after my blunder. Now then, to your sig. I see the teardrop was added and moved with every frame. I don't want to sound too much of a perfectionist, but with her head hanging down the way it is, I don't think the tears in her eye would run down her face but rather, would drop straight down. Of course, it can happen. It's been a while since I've observed somebody crying. And since a falling tear would be too hard to catch, it's pretty good already. = P
Lol. I find this funny because tears rarely drop off of your face without running down your cheek first. If it does, it's just the movies/animated. Given the properties of water [enter scientific stuff about the adhesive properties of polar molecules, yada yada yada], tears usually stick to cheeks first.

Either way, I really like the animation of the tear, Kira_Naruto. I'm impressed that you did that so well.
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