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Old 2006-12-13, 17:55   Link #29
Suna no tate
Akatsuki Bart is Tobi
Join Date: Oct 2006
Honestly I think you're wrong. Here's why.

1)I've seen him take of his gourd. He was talking to lee after the kimimaro fight and took it off.

2)as a child, we saw gaara without his gourd almost every time but never saw say "a trail of sand" or something of the like. Its true the gourd is made up of sand he manipulates, but I don't think it has anything to do with the shield of sand.

3)if he could control it, he could still send all the sand left and harm himself to the right. but he can't.

In fact, the shield of sand is completely different from the armor of sand. The armor is not automatic. Gaara decides whether to wear it or not. The shield is automatic and appears even in sandless situations. Its very troubling to me (especially since it didn't exactly help against akatsuki). Yet we know that if gaara is sleeping or something and I kick him, the shield will block it. Very weird.

Anyway, the special sand we talk about is that blood soaked sand. Thats the sand he and shukaku have the best control over.

Again I refer to the shield activating in a sandless situation. Gaara can take off his gourd, he can rid himself of sand, and yet sand will appear to protect him.
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