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Old 2006-12-16, 12:25   Link #66
yare yare..
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Originally Posted by superr View Post
Man Light could have been caught so easily. I'm only on episode 4 and I can think up of many ways Light could have been caught already. Since the cops + L knew from ep 3 that there was a possibility that he was a student and that he has police access, they could have restricted access to the police archives for random police personalle. They could choose say 20 people at a time to be restricted for a period of a week (no person is restricted twice) and then narrow the possibilities down. Also, Light seems to be a internet noob. Can't the police just track down what people are searching on the internet? Light has got to have a way of finding out people to kill and all the cops would need to do is observe the webpages people are browsing (specifically in the Kanto area) and how frequently they browse these webpages. Since Light prob gets the info on who to kill, the cops can track his IP and he would be highly suspect since his dad = cop and there is also a student which = him in the household. The govt could have also messed around with the media and choose to censor our some key information (ie: no pictures).
Erm.. you should watch on first.

Anyways.. on-topic; I'd say equal ground. I'm not putting my views into this, because I really don't know who has the upper hand. What I know for sure is, regardless of who wins in the end, NOW, they are equals. Light cannot kill L and L cannot figure out who is Kira. It doesn't matter if Misa is here because.. since she doesn't abide Light's rules of justice, I think Light is surely gonna use her to the most, but only to an extent.

Anyways.. they're just thoughts.
(with nosebleed)
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