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Old 2006-12-23, 04:56   Link #83
I don't give a damn, dude
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In Despair
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Richard 23 View Post
Actually that's unfair. He did give this episode a 5. He must have really liked it! ;-)
A 5, you say?!

*shock. awe. disbelief. It's not it?*

Anyway, just finished watching this one. What can I say that everyone else hasn't said? Well, at least now I know where the animation budget for the last two episodes went. Top-notch quality animation from the KyoAni we all know and love, and the handling of the interleaving storyline is stellar, as usual.

Some thoughts for Episode 12:

1) It's almost a pity that once again, Nayuki has been left out of the parallel advancing of storylines, but I guess it couldn't be helped.


However, I do wish she would actually wake up for once and start showing some angst though. At this rate, if she only starts being angsty when it comes time for her arc, it would be too sudden. I'd like to see KyoAni start to gradually up the angst-meter on Nayuki, please.

2) Also, at the beginning, around 2:40 to 2:53, when Ayu and Yuuichi were talking about ghosts....on the second viewing, I found that highly ironic, given what was about to happen later at the ball.

3) Ayu's new outfit fits her SO well. Why can't she wear more girly clothing more often?

4) KyoAni missed out on Yuuichi's joke of Shiori having Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket. What a shame.

5) The first time I saw Shiori's nameless classmate (in the blogs, that is, before I watched the episode proper), I almost thought it was Shiori herself. I was kinda hoping KyoAni would do an original and introduce that girl into a role as Shiori's version of Mishio. But I guess that's not gonna happen.

6) Or come to think of it...KyoAni pulled off an original by having Mai give the initial foreshadowing about Makoto to Yuuichi, in place of Mishio. Why couldn't they have pulled off another original, and have Mishio give the initial foreshadowing about Shiori to him instead?! I mean, they're both freshmen, aren't they? And Key never did specify that they weren't in the same class. It would have been an excellent way for KyoAni to tell the story of Kanon better than Key, the original storyteller! Argh!

7) Bond, James Bond indeed. I'm somewhat less familiar with recent anime than most of you guys tell me. Has there been in recent memory a male lead as manly as Yuuichi is? He's just become the symbol of manhood in the anime world right there!

8) The dance scene was fantastic for the most part...but the hip-jerking section was a little out of place, in the sense that Nayuki's track-team running looked a little out of place in an earlier episode. Brilliant animators KyoAni may have, but I think they need to do a little more studying of the movement of the human anatomy.

9) Did someone say earlier that the people in the ballroom were, uncharacteristically for KyoAni, static? But they were also all looking in the same direction; I'm inclined to think they were stunned at seeing Yuuichi and Mai dancing. Another one of KyoAni's subtle ways of covering up their lazy animation.
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