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Old 2007-01-01, 03:28   Link #61
Is rather bored...
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Florida USA
Age: 36
I chose one because she seemed fitting to Haruhi to me for some reason. #2 was also very good, imo. However, she just didn't appeal to me the same way, I don't know why specifically.

#3 Sounded like she just got back from her cheerocracy meeting.

#4 was very clear, but to flat.

#5 was pretty good, but just not fitting imo.

One thing I noticed, is I have to take out of my mind the Japanese dubbing, and how good it was a little. Because the dubs for this show were far better than most shows out there. So setting the bar that incredibly high for the English VAs is probably setting it TOO high. The Japanese VAs were just exceptional, and you would be hard pressed to find any English VAs that good. Also, Japanese just sounds WAY different from English.
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