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Old 2007-01-03, 10:47   Link #50
Owaranai Destiny
Nick of Time~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Guze no Sekai
Age: 37
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Originally Posted by Rall)eon117X View Post
On a tiny side note: In OVA Episode 5, when they were walking on the railroad tracks in the rain, why was Asaba that mean to her? If i honestly really cared about someone like that i wouldnt say ' im sick and tired of your sloppiness' especially when he damn well knows its not her fault at all for the way she is! If youre that angry that you cant do anything to help her, run up to her, give her a hug/comfort her and say it!!! He overcomplicated the situation so damn much by saying those things and corrupting her memory. (I know it happened for the drama/increase in romance in the series, but still!!!!!! Makes me mad!!!)
I recall this being addressed a little earlier in the forums. For convenience, here's my version of an answer:

Asaba might or might not have (probably more of the latter) been genuinely frustrated with Iriya then. After all, he's just a normal high school student until Iriya came into his life. It's true it has changed, and in some parts for the better, but when his resentment and confusion of being hunted down, having to leave the comfort of his home and run away, facing the hardships of having limited monetary resources and facing the harsher realities of running away, I don't find it hard to see why Asaba snapped, and his breaking point was probably at that scene, something which he did in the heat of the moment, as it can be deduced and seen afterwards when he started worrying about Iriya again.
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