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Old 2007-01-13, 07:43   Link #56
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Join Date: Jan 2007
I think people underestimate the power of written narrative when they except important deaths to be undone just like that, as they so often do. It's the fate of childhood heroes in fiction to die so that the young hero can take his own character development further and learn how to take their place. Kuro would pull a trick like that. Blackbeard might do something like that as well. But these are some of the most villainous characters! Could old Roger commit a cowardly act like that and still be the greatest pirate that ever lived, everyone's No.1. role model?

And I don't think Roger sit down one day and thought "hey, I want there to be more pirates in the world, let's make up a tale about One piece!", either; Roger's not a puppet master, not a politician. See, all these speculations fail to take into account that either of them destroy the very purpose of so many things that these people - Roger, Luffy - were fighting for. So should Roger return I expect it to be in flashbacks, and the things he has left behind.
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