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Old 2007-01-27, 04:55   Link #132
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Very helpful thread! I've been frustrated with this issue for some time, and though I'm excited to almost be there. However, I'm getting hung up on a fontconfig problem with thr's player. If I leave it in the additional parameters field, no video will play, I just get a brief moment of green, and then it crashes. Without it, everything's fine, but I'm stuck using the default MPlayer subtitles. Better than nothing, yes, but I honestly don't have a clue about what to do now. I looked over the thread, but I'm lost with references to pkgconfig and what have you.

Before installing this, I didn't have any form of MPlayer on here, and though I did install X11, it didn't change the green player followed by crashing problem. Does anyone have any ideas about anything I could try?
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