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Old 2007-02-16, 22:22   Link #20
Sexy Tornado
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: The European Bunion
Age: 45
Originally Posted by CoreMaster View Post
well the First Trailer is out.

so far it looking Great cant wait for it to come out.
k, for those of us who don't speak or write fluent Japanese, how exactly do we get a preview to play on that page?

Anyway, looks like I was right in my summise of this being another 4 ep OAV like ToP Keeping my fingers crossed, and I'll be watching it for sure simply to see Sheena and Presea animated

Originally Posted by Kaioshin sama
Tales of Symphonia is also and I swear this a 50 or so hour game
My first playthrough was 90+ hours, and without using a faq either. I do tend to spend time levelling and getting grade though.

Originally Posted by Kaioshin sama
Oh and with ToE they actual did a completely original story which was a great way to go about things and it ended up working really really well
It was original? Didn't realise. I'm still only about 10 minutes into ToD2 (or ToE if you prefer the alternate name.) Really need to make time to actually play the game properly one of these days...

As for VA's... anyone will be fine really, since absolutely any Japanese seiyuu will be better than the hideous american 'actors'. I switch voices completely off while playing, it's a much more enjoyable experience (seriously, who the hell wants to hear 'RISING FALCON!!!, TEMPEST!!!, SWORD RAIN!!!, BLEH BLEH BLEH being shouted 17 times every battle? Certainly not I.)

Originally Posted by problemedchild
What's funny is that the puzzles are the only thing preventing me from playing the game all over again.
I don't mind most of them since they're generally pretty simple to get through quickly when you know how to do them. There are certain ones I really loathe though, like Latheon Gorge with those damn plants.

Ah well, I'm still looking forward to this, even if it only turns out to be a ToP style fanservice trip. With Sheena in there, fanservice is fine by me Though I would of course prefer something with a bit of substance, like the game itself
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